{Five Years}

September 5th was Isaac and my fifth wedding anniversary! That weekend also happened to be our ten year high school reunion (I still do not believe it has been that long). Since Isaac planned our fabulous four year anniversary, it was my turn this year. I thought for months about what we could do to make our FIVE year anniversary extra special. It's hard to come up with something when we are always doing fun things together. I've always wanted to renew our vows on the strip with Elvis, but we decided to wait until another year to do that.

Sooo....while cleaning out our hall closet, I came across Isaac's old football jersey (whyyyy couldn't he have been #5?) and instantly contacted our old friend, Maryann to set up a surprise photo shoot for Isaac. Sure, it's cheesy and silly, but how fun would it be to do a "where it all began" shoot at our old high school the weekend of our reunion? I couldn't have planned it better myself (except that I did, indeed, plan it)!

We got home from work Friday afternoon, and I threw Isaac his old jersey and told him to put it on. He knew what I was doing, and he wasn't very excited. He hates when I schedule photo shoots and then loves the outcome every.single.time. I feel like most husbands feel this way. Any who, we met Maryann at good 'ol Foothill High School and got the show on the road. The pictures turned out so adorable! We love them, and I am so glad we did them!!

After the photo shoot, we checked into our room at the MGM and got ready for the rest of our date night, which absolutely included Britney Spears (duh!).

Fifteen minutes 'til show time, and Isaac obviously couldn't contain his excitement. The show was just as good as the first couple of times I saw it, and I was excited for Isaac to see it with me. When it ended, we walked around the strip for a while before calling it a night. We had so much fun dancing, drinking Margaritas, and just enjoying ourselves.

The next morning, we drank our coffee by the pool before checking out of the hotel. It was so relaxing and peaceful - we literally didn't know what to do with ourselves.

While taking a picture by the ring that was set up for the following week's Mayweather fight, Floyd himself walked right past us. He kept his head down like he didn't want to be bothered, but then he came out to the valet and stopped to see what attention he could get. He didn't get any, so he hopped in his Rolls and left. Not five minutes later, he rolled back into valet and headed back into the casino strutting his stuff this time around. He obviously wasn't happy that he didn't get any attention the first time around.

We spent the next few hours shopping at a couple of malls and buying more clothes than we needed, but, hey, they had a 50% off jeans sale. Who wouldn't have bought seven pairs?

I'd say our five year anniversary was perfect. We had such a great time with one another, and I couldn't possibly be more happy with my amazing, hard working, loving, strong, hilarious husband. We are so blessed beyond belief, and I wouldn't change this life for anything. Thanks for being the greatest husband and father, Isaac. I could not ask for more!

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