Last Week...

...we woke up Monday morning to a gorgeous sunrise.

...Charley watched the sun set out her bedroom window. The girls love sunsets and always make sure to point them out to us when the sky is looking extra pretty.

...the girls snuggled in bed with Toodles.

...I came across this awesome shirt that I'm debating on ordering for myself.

...we had play date after school with the Luks. The girls always have a blast with them, and I just love spending time with my dear friend, Jessica.

...Charley was exhausted from all the fun she had at the park and passed out early. Grace was frustrated that I was in the living room watching SOA, so she slowly brought blankets and pillows out one at a time, so I wouldn't notice. Then I found her like this.

...I got some adorable stuff from Gap for the girls' fall wardrobe and was super excited when my $165.75 order was only $44.05 after coupons and Gap rewards. Whoo hoo!

...Poppa and Gran came over for dinner to show Daddy how to make beer batter chicken (one of our favs that he used to make us when we were in high school), and the girls and I made Funfetti cupcakes for dessert.

...Grace's homework was to practice writing her ABC's. I wrote them on my paper, and then she wrote them on her paper using mine as a guide. It took her a little bit to get her confidence up to write them all, but I was so proud of her when she did it!

...she also brought home a rainbow that she cut and glued all on her own, and her name and numbers that she is getting pretty good at, as well.

...her preschool teacher always displays pictures of the kids to show us what they are doing all day, and she put up the cutest one of Gracie and her school friends making breakfast for each other.

...since Grace's pre-K got moved to afternoon's this week, she isn't getting her two hour daily naps. This results in her passing out in the car on the way home from school each day. Girl needs her beauty sleep!

...Charley's hair started growing all of the sudden, and she's looking like such a big girl.

...Grace played with her Cinderella castle while singing about everything she was doing.

...we stocked up on Halloween Oreos for our after school snacks. Something about that orange cream makes them a million times more delicious!

...Charley watched My Girl on the back of the couch. She loves sitting up there. Weirdo.

...we made silly faces before going to sleep.

...the girls snuggled in bed. I just love how much they love each other.

...Isaac's Great Grandma Jennie passed away on Thursday, so he flew to Nebraska first thing Saturday morning to be with his family. We are so sad that she is gone, but we know she's in a better place. She will truly be missed by everyone. Love you, Grandma!!

...the girls FaceTimed Daddy while he waited for his flight at the airport. We dropped him off at 4 am, and they never went back to sleep that day.

...Isaac spent some much needed quality time with his grandparents. He sent me this video to show me how peaceful it was there.

...Charley wore her I'm So Fancy shirt while singing Black Widow in the car (and simultaneously falling asleep). Big Iggy fan over here.

...we spent the afternoon at our friend Maryann's to celebrate her baby boy's first birthday and had so much fun! The girls got their arms painted, played with friends, and even got to take home goldfish.

...Grace and I took selfies while Charley napped. She chose the first pose because she was sad that Daddy was gone. was Grace's turn to nap next, so Charley did my hair while we watched the Sooners beat the Vols. I had to teach her a little bit about cheering for OU. Boomer Sooner!

...Toodles hung out and watched the game, too.

...later that night, Gracie FaceTimed with Brody and Uncle Mike in Nebraska while they rooted for the Huskers.

...the girls went to bed early since they had been up since four, which left me the whole house to myself. I spent a few hours on a Netflix binge watching Scandal. Why do I feel like every time I watch a new series on Netflix, it's my new favorite show? It's a bit ridiculous.

...the next morning, we got ready to watch the Titans win, and then they didn't. (C'mon boys, get it together!) 

...I took the couch apart to look for Grace's long lost iPad (that I'm now almost 99% sure the DirecTV guy stole), so the girls made a clubhouse and played in it all morning.

...we had Memphis BBQ for lunch, and it was better than ever.

...Charley ate a chocolate ice cream cone and looked like a hot mess.

...every time I ask Charley a question (What did you do at school? What movie do you want to watch?), she goes on a spiel about who she saw in Disneyland. Yes, that was almost five months ago. She cracks me up, and I just love listening to her talk.

...for some reason, ice cream alwayssss make my kiddos crash. Char got in a three hour nap after that one.

...when she woke up, we sent Daddy a picture to show him that we were rooting for a Bears win. Grace is all about the defense, obvi.

...we headed over the Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's to watch the game. Char and Presley had fun holding hands and putting stickers on each other's heads before skinny dipping with Grace and taking a group bath. Anddd the Bears won, yay!! 

...Grace worked on her letters on her own without mine to copy. She did a pretty good job, I must say.

Here's to hoping the Titans get better. At least the other teams in our division aren't doing so great either, so there's always room for a comeback?!

See you next week :)

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