Last Week...

...I took an afternoon to get my nails done after all of the crazy Christmas festivities and decided on a New Year's theme.

...Cinderella and Belle played Olaf's in Trouble while Mommy was away.

...when I got home, Charley told me how upset she was that she couldn't fly (I guess the Tinkerbell costume needs to come with pixie dust). Gracie decided to help her by lifting her up, while Charley flapped her little arms so hard trying to get going.

...Char and I snuggled in bed, but she ditched me for her iPad, so I just admired her perfect profile instead.

...I took down all of our Christmas cards, and it made me so sad. This is one of my favorite parts of the holidays. I love coming home from work to see photos of all of our family and friends when I walk in the door.

...Gracie and Toodles watched the snow fall in our back yard. We ended up getting more than I expected, and Shelly sent me a picture of our house while I was at work complete with snow on the roof.

...the girls spent the day with Auntie Elisha, playing dress up, loving on Butkus, and singing Taylor Swift.

...we had my sisters and the Sebastians over to celebrate New Year's Eve, and Charley fell asleep before the party started.

...she woke up just in time to have some fancy drinks with her besties.


...we got to enjoy yummy snacks, grown-up fancy drinks, and lots of laughs with these amazing people.

...these kids are already party animals. They danced around the living room in costumes and kept trading sunglasses while listening to Fireball on repeat.. I think it's safe to say they had a blast.

...the girls fell asleep at 11:40. Maybe next year they'll make it to midnight. Daddy let them do confetti poppers in the living room after breakfast the next morning to celebrate the new year,

(Why does this girl look so grown up all of the sudden?!)

...Charley did puzzles, while Gracie practiced writing her ABC's in her new Frozen journal.

...she napped while I put away all of the Christmas decorations and took back my front room. Toodles was especially happy to have his spot back.

...the girls made Snow Now and had fun building mini-snowmen. All you do is add water to this mixture. It's so easy, and the girls loved it.

...Saturday morning, Char saw this new show on TV, Kate and Mim-Mim, and kept telling me that she was on TV. It does kind of look like her.

...we spent a couple of hours at Town Square with Zac, Stefanie, and Presley, and the girls had so much fun playing together in the park.

...after a busy morning, Elsa and Cinderella took over the house and ran amok.

...that night, Charley and her baby wore their matching PJ's and slippers and could not have been any cuter.

...Char tried fitting in her baby's bed, but she was a little too big.

...I posted this on my computer at work to remind myself to make healthy choices at lunch time this year.

...we watched the UNLV game, and Gracie cheered on her Runnin' Rebels.

See ya next week!

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