Last Week...

First off, Isaac's phone had pictures on it that I was unaware of, so we're throwing it back to the week before for a minute...

...we had even more fun on New Year's Eve than you thought. I just love these people, and the way our kids love each other. We always have the best time together.

...Friday night, Charley was playing on the couches in the living room and fell awkwardly. She cried with real tears - totally not normal - so I knew something was wrong. When I saw her holding her arm to her side, I was sure she dislocated her elbow. We're pros at this by now, since Grace did it twice when she was smaller. Basically, little kids (especially little girls) tendons are small and the bone can easily slip out from under them. We went to the ER and the nicest doctor ever popped it right back into place. About an hour after the injury occurred, Char was all better. I asked the doctor if, since this has happened to both of our kids, something was odd or weak with their tendons or joints. She said, "Nope. It's just really bad luck." Hopefully, this is the last of this Nursemaids Elbow that we ever come across. It's not fun seeing your baby in pain when you aren't able to fix it. Grace was the best nurse and helped sissy feel more comfortable in the hospital room.

You can see that she was obviously all better by her big smile she was flashing at dinner afterwards.

And now, back to your regular weekly program.

...Charley was unimpressed with the sun that kept shining in her eyes as we drove home from school Monday afternoon.

...Jakson sent us the cutest, slobbery kisses.

...we started calorie counting (yay!) instead of just eating whatever we want. That made for some yummy new salad recipes for dinner and Greek yogurt for breakfast at work (along with my coffee cup that reminds me to "Let it Go" when I get stressed out).

...the girls had dance class on Wednesday and wore their new gear from Santa. They were especially excited to go since it had been two weeks over Christmas break. During class, they were measured for their upcoming July recital costumes.

Charley got a Disney on Ice coupon and kept giving Woody and Buzz hugs and kisses.

How cute is Char with her little leg crossed? Since we spend two straight hours in the studio, the girls bring their iPads to watch while the other one is in class. It's not easy to keep them calm and quiet for a whole hour while they wait for their turn.

Grace got to be the line leader and was so excited. This video of her watching herself in the mirror just cracks me up. She's such a diva.

...we spent Saturday and Sunday in Disneyland before heading to Newport for the afternoon. We didn't get to meet up with the Unertls like we had planned, but we did have so much fun running amok all over the deserted beach. It's so peaceful to watch the waves roll in. Alex definitely enjoyed his first time at the ocean.

...we had some awesome clouds as we drove back home Sunday evening and even got a rainbow to end our quick Cali trip.

...back at home, Toodles spent the entire night cuddling with his girls. He always misses them so much when we leave. We just love this little guy!

See you next week <3

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