Last Week...

...Tuesday, we painted Christmas ornaments at Gracie's school. We met up with the Sebastians, and the girls each picked three ornaments. We all painted them, and then turned them in to the pottery place. They will "bake" them and then return them to us to hang on our tree. The girls had a blast running around the multi-purpose room with their besties.


(Mom and Dad's - can you guess which is which?)

(Gracie was so proud of hers)

...we got Gracie's official Kindergarten pictures back, and she looks so sweet in them. I can't believe how big this girl is getting so quickly.

...she drew me a picture of a turkey at school, and made sure I hung it up on the fridge.

...we worked on homework each night. Her favorite is math. She's so much like me in that she wants to do it all right away. They are supposed to do a little each night until they complete their packet on Thursday night to turn back in on Fridays. Grace always wants to do it all on Mondays, and I have to force her to put it away. I was exactly the same way. If I have a to do list, I want to do things quickly to get them off of there.

...we had an ultrasound with the high risk specialist on Friday, where they said that baby looked perfect. At one point, the doctor was examining her heart. He said, "it looks great so far", and baby held out her hand. I mentioned that she was probably giving a thumbs up, and the doc said, "I'm pretty sure she's flipping me the bird."

...Gracie had her final soccer game on Saturday. Uncle Zac and Auntie Stef came, and the girls oohed and awed over baby Paxton. Char was happy to have Presley to play with during the game, and Gracie even scored her very first goal! So proud of her!!

...after the game, the got their team medals and had some cupcakes. This girl has gotten better each game, and she already can't wait to play again in the spring.

...that afternoon, we went to Mission Hills park to celebrate baby Coon's arrival. Clayton and Stephanie are such dear friends of ours, and we cannot wait to meet their sweet baby girl in January. The girls loved playing on the slides, kicking around the soccer ball, and eating and drinking everything in sight.

(Congrats again, guys! So excited for you both!!)

...back at home, I asked Char to come snuggle with me. Grace said, "Here. You can hold my foot, mom."

...she eventually gave in and napped on my lap while we watched the Cotto/Canelo fight.

...I got our stockings all hung up and am just loving having FIVE of them on the fireplace.

...Daddy worked on Christmas lights, while the girls spent ALL day playing with Noah, Easton, and JJ.

...Noah gave Isaac a ride on his bike pegs.

...meanwhile, I worked my magic on the inside. I love having the house all warm and decorated for the holidays.

...the lights outside turned out better than ever this year. Our house looks amazing, and I'm pretty sure you can see it from space.

...I ordered the girls all of the Disney princess ornaments while they were on sale last week. They came in, and we got their three foot princess tree all decorated. It's so awesome, because there are princesses all the way around. They love to stare at it and move the ornaments around.

The holidays are approaching, and we can't wait to spend time with family next week!

Stay tuned for some fun surprises...

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