Last Week...

...Monday was Memorial Day (and my last day before going back to work), so Perry and I spent lots of time snuggling.

...we stopped by Poppa and Grandma's house so they could get in some snuggles, too.

...Aunt Sydney and Kelli Jo were over there, and they got the girls the sweetest gifts. Charley's favorite was this adorable flower crown, which she has been wearing all the time since she got it.

(Thank you guys again!)

...the Unertls came over to spend the afternoon with us, and the kids had so much fun playing together.

...Gracie has still been videoing everything on her "phone", and took this one of Charley pushing Jakson around in the wagon. The sass that Char is giving Grace cracks me up every time I watch it.

...Tuesday the girls wore the cutest matching outfits to school. I wish they had one for me!

...Perry and I went back to work, and she was the perfect baby all day long. She pretty much just slept the day away with a few snacks in between.

...when we got home, Charley wanted to hold her.

...the next morning before school, Char continued her baby sister love fest.

...Gracie had field day on Wednesday, which was also her very last day of Kindergarten! She and Easton were partners, and Daddy went to spend the morning with her. She had so much fun! I can't believe her first year of school is already over. We are so ready for first grade and full days at school, though. Grace can't wait!

...that night, I took all three kids to Grace's soccer practice by myself. Perry slept the whole time, while Charley ran with Gracie.

...Gracie got in some baby sister snuggles after bath time.

...Perry continued to sleep her days away at work.

...Grace and Perry went to the doctor on Thursday, and everyone did so well. I can't believe how much they look alike here!

...Perry slept all afternoon after her first shot.

...Charley wore her "Fryday" shirt to school on Friday. It's so cute, and so is she!

...Perry got hungry at work, and I wasn't fast enough for her, so she tried to eat my face.

...we napped on the couch after work, and Grace was playing on her "phone" and took pictures of us.

...Char took care of Perry Saturday morning, while I was braiding Grace's hair.

...Grace had a soccer game, but it was over 100 degrees at ten in the morning, so most of the kids refused to play. We ended up calling it quits just after half time.

...we spent the afternoon with our cousins barbecuing since Andy and Kyle were back in town from college. The girls loved swimming around the pool like little fishies, since it was so crazy hot outside.

(Perr is really starting to chunk up!)

...that night, we went over to the Gerfy's to watch the fights, and Perry hung out in her wrap.

...Amelia was interested in Charley's iPad and looked so cute watching Paw Patrol.

...a couple hours later, Perry was still passed out. Baby wearing is my new favorite thing! of Sunday, Perr Bear is one month old. It's already going too fast for me!

...that morning, we went to breakfast and then played at the park. Charley loves to play "bakery" and sold Grace some snacks.

...while I was taking a picture of Char, I looked over to see Grace laying on the ground talking to Perry. I love how much these girls love their baby sister.

...back at home, we decided to clean the garage out and organize it. The girls decided to play with water balloons and filled up this little pool with the hose. Gracie even helped Daddy wash her car.

...Perry enjoyed the day in her wrap carrier.

...once it got too hot, we went inside, while Daddy finished up outside.

...the kids all took baths, and we spent the rest of the night relaxing inside.

Another busy week in the books! See ya next time :)

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