Last Week...

...Monday, Perry slept the day away at work.

...and continued her snooze fest when we got home. She is really liking her swing.

...Tuesday was Gracie's sixth birthday. She picked out her and Char's outfits, and demanded that we take pictures before she went in to school. (She's clearly my daughter.)

...Perry hung out for a bit before going to sleep. She's kind of getting on a schedule where she hangs with us until 8:30, and then she sleeps the rest of the day besides waking to eat and get a diaper change at lunch time.

...She spit up all over her blanket, so she got to use my nursing cover and seemed to like it more, because she could move her arms around and break out. home, she chilled in her bouncer, while we got ready to go to dinner.

...since it was Grace's birthday, she got to decide where we went . I tried talking her into Ventano saying, "You know that place with the shrimp on the stone and the yummy bread sticks with the dip...", and she replied, "I know what you're talking about. That's where our friend, Arnuald, is." She ended up picking Chuck E Cheese instead, though. We had fun playing games and winning a billion tickets, all so the girls could pick out some blue and red Chuck E Cheese whistles.

...Wednesday we stuck to schedule, and Perry looked super cute in her Charlie Coco's bow. I'm kind of obsessed with their leather bows at the moment.

...she stayed awake for a while when we got home.

...Grace and Char went to the store with Daddy and used Gracie's new ice cream machine that Grammy got her to make some strawberry ice cream.

...Thursday was more of the same.

...Gracie had her post season soccer party at Sunset Pizzeria that night. She got her very first trophy and was so proud of it. 

(This picture is my favorite. I just love Char's proud little sister smile!)

...we also got Grace's soccer pictures back that day, and they turned out so adorable!

...we loved watching her play this year, and she loved it, too. I can't believe how much she has grown since her first season. She'll be playing again in September, and we're hoping to stick with the same coach and teammates, since she learned so much and had so much fun.

...our DockATot finally came in, and Perry has been sleeping 5-6 hour stretches at night ever since. She really loves this thing, and I love it, because she can sleep in our bed without worry.

...Thursday marked six weeks since Perr Bear was born. I did a mini photo shoot with her, because I wasn't sure what I liked best. She gave me some lip and some sweet faces until she passed out. Having your picture taken is exhausting.

...Friday was Papa Rick's birthday, and he tried sharing cookies with Perry. She wasn't interested just yet.

...Allison and I went to get pedicures after work, and Perr just hung out in her car seat and didn't make a sound. She's the best!

...Saturday was Gracie's birthday party at the Westin at Lake Las Vegas. We got a cabana and had our awesome family and friends swim with us all day. The girls had a blast jumping and practicing swimming without their floaties before we headed down to the lower pool. They went down the slide over and over again and had so much fun with their friends.

...Perr Bear was her typical sleepy self and even napped in her own pool float all day. 

...we brought the DockATot along, because we stayed in the hotel that night. Perry napped in it while we took a break from the pool for lunch. 

...we had dinner at Rick's Buffet that night and enjoyed a gorgeous view of the sunset.

...the girls were pooped and passed out as soon as they got in bed.

...the next morning was Father's Day. We got up early and got ready to meet Poppa Allen for breakfast. Char watched over Perr, while the rest of us finished up. breakfast, the girls kept cracking us up with Snapchat filters.

...we had a fun breakfast with Poppa before checking out of the hotel.

...afterwards, we met up at Papa Rick and Grammy's house. Daddy's girls gave him extra love for Father's Day.

...we all went to Top Golf to hang out for the afternoon. It was so much fun, and the kids even loved taking turns hitting the golf balls. The food was delicious, too!

Happy Father's Day to all of the Daddies out there! We think ours is the best, because he works so hard to give us everything we want and need. He plays Barbies, has tea parties, and wrestles with the best of 'em. Thanks for all you do, Daddy!

What a crazy, super busy, extra fun week! See ya next time :)

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