Last Week...

Photo of the Week: Ice Cream at the Mall

...Monday after school, the girls watched Avatar. Even Perry was intrigued as she laid quietly on the couch.

...we snacked on blueberries, while I cooked dinner.

...I made these delicious Taco Stuffed Zucchini Boats that everyone loved. Perry even ate three helpings of the stuffing!

...the next night, we had Chicken Francese, which turned out OK. I think I overcooked the chicken, (because I'm terrified of raw chicken) and it was a little rubbery. Luckily, it had really good flavor.

...Stefanie posted this picture of Pax sleeping, and it totally reminded me of Charley. I went back through the pictures on my phone and found this one, where they totally look like twins.

...Perry was being silly before bed. She usually passes right out, but she wanted to play this time.

...she looked like such a big girl before school 

...I ordered the girls their first Abercrombie jeans and sweaters for the new school year. They finally came in, and they looked so adorable. (I may or may not have placed an order for more stuff after seeing them in it.)

...Perry also got a new jacket, and she refused to let me take it off. She ran around the house clapping, because it made the buttons on the cuffs jingle.

...she demanded to have a Capri Sun with her snack after seeing her big sisters with one.

...I made some delicious grilled shrimp and veggie bowls and topped them with lime juice.

...even Char Char loved the shrimp and ate a few.

...the girls all sang Wheels on the Bus together after dinner, while I cleaned up the kitchen.

...Perry fell asleep falling off my lap in the most awkward position that night.

...I moved her to her DockATot, and she snuggled with her blanky.

...Perry was ready for her bath and came over to tell me. This face she's making in the beginning is one she makes all the time. We call it "the Perry face", and it always has us cracking up.

...she slept so peacefully in her pack n play, and I could't help but admire her sweet self.

...the girls had "wear your favorite jersey day" at school, so of course, we found our old Titans gear from last year to wear. It reminded me that I needed to order some new stuff, because football season is right around the corner. The Raiders will be moving here in the next season or two, so we also had to get some Raiders gear for our new home team. (Not sure if I've mentioned it, but Daddy has traded in the Bears for the Raiders. Cutler just ruined it for him.)

...I played with Ava at work that afternoon and got some sweet smiles out of her. Auntie is her favorite!

...the girls heard Daddy's car pull into the driveway and ran to the window to wait for him.

...we met Poppa Allen and Gran at Ventanos for Gran's birthday and had to get some zeppoli for the occasion.

...after dinner, we called Grandma Espejo to see if she could watch the girls the next morning while Mommy did a Stroller Strides workout, and Daddy had a coach's meeting for soccer. Grandpa asked if they could just spent the night, so we dropped them off immediately. Perry stayed home with us and helped Daddy catch up on some work.

...when they were done working, they danced to the Trolls soundtrack.

...the girls went to breakfast with Grandpa and Grandma Saturday morning.

...Perry and I got our workout on at The District with Auntie Allison and Ava, and we had so much fun while simultaneously getting our butts kicked.

...that work out really wore Perry out, and she napped when we got home.

...Poppa Allen and Gran stayed with the girls that night, while we went out with the Lukses and Keltons for Jason's birthday. We started off with Sushi and ended up in the Tiki Room. It was definitely interesting and had some of the yummiest drinks with Dole Whip mixed in. When we all get together, it's usually for a play date with the kiddos, so it was nice to hang out without them for once, and we had so much fun!

...we took the girls to breakfast at Hash House a Go Go per Grace and Charley's request. They had fun with Poppa and Gran but were happy to have Mom and Dad home again.

...that afternoon, Gracie helped Daddy paint the garage door black. It was originally white and was covered in hand prints, foot prints, and stains, so we needed to do something different with it. We're loving how it turned out, even if I didn't get a before or after picture. Oops!

...Perry had fun in the bath that night. Her new thing is to pour water from her cup all over her face and then laugh about it.

See ya next week!

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