Last Week...

Picture of the Week: The Most Beautiful Sunset

...Monday was Grace and Char's first day of school, so Isaac and I took the day off of work. While they had fun in their new classrooms, we ran some errands. Perry loved running around Lowe's like she owned the place.

...back at home, she watched Tangled, while Mommy folded some laundry and Daddy washed the cars.

...Perry really wanted to see her Poppa Allen, so we called him up to meet us for lunch.

...we met him over at Poppa and Grandma's, and they had gotten the girls some ladybug floaties. Perry insisted on wearing them all, and we couldn't stop laughing at her when she got stuck trying to take them off.

...soon enough, it was time to go pick the girls up from school. They both had great first days, so we celebrated with Charley's magic confetti that Mrs. Grant had given her.

...Grace drew a picture of herself under a rainbow with an apple tree, and she wanted to hang it on the fridge.

...Charley colored her name and made sure everything was rainbow.

...on Tuesdays, the kids wear green to remind them to be bucket fillers and make others feel good about themselves at school.

...Miss Brittany sent me a picture of the girls getting on the bus after school to ease my mind. I was a little worried about how they'd navigate without me there, but they did just fine.

...Charley brought home this picture, and it broke my heart. I asked her why she was sad at school, and she said it was because she missed Mommy and Daddy. She also made a backpack and filled it full of school supplies.

...Perry passed out, and we snuggled while watching TV.

...Mrs. Grant sent us this picture of the kids dancing in class, so I knew Char was feeling a little bit better that day.

...then she brought home this picture, and I was so glad that she had a good day. She also learned more about her name, and drew a cat for her something that starts with the same letter.

...Perry learned the word "no", and I can't help but think it's the cutest thing ever.

...Shelly sent me a picture of the girls at lunch time, and it was nice to see their big smiles in the middle of the day.

...we fed Ava her first cookie at work.

...Char got her flex on in class that day.

...I get to the preschool about twenty minutes before Grace and Charley make it there, so Perry and I hang out and play while we wait. She loves the train on the wall and plays with it the whole time.

...Charley had library and made a kissing hand to go with the story "The Kissing Hand" that they read that day. I love how she makes everything rainbow when she colors.

...Perry made her own masterpiece and did her first painting on her own.

...when we got home, she had a package waiting with some new samples from June and January. We had to try them on, and it was love. How cute is this little henley jumper? I'm obsessed.

...she also looked pretty adorable in the long sleeve henley. I can't wait to order more for fall when they drop on 09/08.

...Gracie had been working on a self portrait project all week. We picked out her outfit for Friday a few days in advance, so she could match it. I think she did an amazing job, and it turned out SO cute.

...Char dressed in her best red and blue for spirit day. class, Gracie made friendship sushi and played math fact Jenga. Her teacher took some pictures, and it looked like she was having a blast.

(I especially love this one with her chowing down in the background!)

...we ordered some cookies at work from The Sugar Cookie, and they were delicious.

...Perry brought home a hand print sheep from school.

...she couldn't decide whether or not she wanted to go in her pack n play to get her stuffed animals.

...we played at the District and had dinner with the Gerfys.

...Saturday morning, Allison and I did the Stroller Strides class again. We literally worked our butts off, and Perry tried working on her stretches with us afterwards.

...when she stood up, she had a cracker stuck to her tushy. We explored the flowers and ran all over the place before we headed home.

...meanwhile, Daddy was eating menudo with Grace and Charley.

...he probably bribed them with these slurpees.

...the girls got dressed for our Fantasy Football Draft and practiced tackling Daddy.

...we hung out at the Halls and got our draft on.

...while we were there, Charley lost her second tooth! This girl is on a roll and didn't even cry.

...Perry and Amelia helped us with our draft picks and then decided shoes were more entertaining.

...Perry was all tuckered out and didn't even wake up when we got home.

...we met Poppa and Gran for breakfast at The Coffee Cup on Sunday.

...after breakfast, we headed to Hemenway Park, where we all watched the bighorn sheep relaxing in the shade. We had to watch Perry, because she wanted to run right out into the middle of the herd. I could watch these guys all day. It's so cool that they stay here and aren't bothered by anything.

...we headed home so the girls could change into swim suits, because they wanted to play at the splash pad. Char was so proud of her tooth fairy money and wanted me to take another picture of her missing teeth.

...we had a picnic and played at the park for hours. The girls got soaked and had a blast running through the water, kicking their soccer balls around, and giggling up a storm.

...they were all tired when we got home and relaxed on my bedroom floor after they were all showered.

...we had the most spectacular sunset that night, and we were all in awe as we watched it.

We made it through the first week of school! See you next week :)

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