Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Having fun at the Golden Knights game

Perry was exhausted Monday morning, and I felt bad waking her up for school.

She perked right up when she heard her sisters, though. Girlfriend looked so cute that I couldn't resist taking a few pictures of her before we left the house.

Grace and Char were heading back to school after their winter break and couldn't wait to show everyone their new Golden Knights backpacks from Poppa and Gran.

Gracie brought home all kinds of work from school that day. She wrote a story about her Sanderson Sisters Halloween costume that was super cute.

She also wrote a little paper about why you should get a cat if you're lonely.

She drew an awesome picture of a mermaid.

And brought me home the sweetest note.

Her New Year's resolutions included being nicer to her sister and eating more vegetables.

Perry and I snuggled while she slept and I caught up on some of my shows. If you haven't watched This is Us, you have to start it. It's one of the best shows I've ever watched.

Charley started gymnastics on Tuesday, and I made sure to bring plenty of snacks for Perry. She ate a banana while Char worked on her cartwheels. Grace was schedule to start cheerleading that Thursday until we discovered that it was a competition team that practiced two hours a week plus an hour of gymnastics AND competitions around town most Saturdays. We decided to start her in Char's gymnastics class on Tuesday and see how it goes from there. We'll hold off on this cheer team until we see how she does with Smalley cheer tryouts this fall. Soccer is starting in a few weeks and that takes up our Saturdays for now.

We continued to make healthy dinners all week including turkey taco meat with eggs, avocados, and lots of hot sauce. It's definitely one of our favorite, easy dinners on busy weeknights.

Perry found her woolie ball necklace stash and demanded to wear one to school on Wednesday.

She has recently become obsessed with the movie Frozen, and asks for "Anna" every day when we get home from school.

We finally got her toddler bed all finished up, and she could not wait to get in it after her bath that night. She went straight for the Care Bears and couldn't get enough of them.

I still had to rock her to sleep. It's one of my favorite times of day, so I'm glad she still needed it, too.

We sang "You Are My Sunshine" the next morning while we got ready for school. It's one of Perry's favorite songs, and I just love to listen to her sing it.

After I rocked her to sleep that night, she cozied up in her bed and stayed there until about 2am when she joined us in our bed.

Friday was Grandma Sunshine's birthday, so the girls made her a video before school including their super long version of "Happy Birthday".

Perry's teacher is always telling me how she takes her sleeves off all throughout the day, and I finally caught her in action. She looked like a hot mess that afternoon. Must have been a rough day. (Side Note: This kid has always hated sleeves. Whenever we put long sleeve PJs on her, she pulls her sleeves up. She also dislikes jackets, for the most part.)

Saturday morning, the girls wrestled with Daddy, while I tried to catch up on laundry.

We went to the mall to do a little shopping, and we had to stop in the new Raiders store. The girls loved it, and Isaac thought it was pretty funny that they wanted a picture in front of the stadium concept in their Titans shirts.

That night, the girls stayed the night at Grandma Sunshine's, and we went to the Knights game with Alex and Allison. We had a blast and even got the watch the Titans score first in their playoff game with the Patriots before the hockey game started (we won't talk about the rest of that football game).

Isaac and I were so excited to wear our new jerseys that finally came in. This Knights lost in OT, but it was an awesome game!

Sunday, we went grocery shopping with the girls, and Perry spent the entire time trying to put her own shoes on. Poor baby woke up a little congested (hence the red eye), and she took a long nap followed by a hot bath. That did the trick, and baby was back to normal in no time.

We celebrated Nolan's fourth birthday with some good friends and the kiddos kept us entertained with their karaoke skills.

Happy Birthday, little dude!

See ya next week!

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