Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Cereal with this Big Girl

Perry was exhausted after school, so we let her nap in the car while Grace and Char rode their bikes out front.

I made grilled chicken bruschetta with black beans, and it was delicious.

I made spaghetti for the kids, because I didn't think they'd eat the bruschetta. They did love the noodles, though, Especially Perry. She wasn't too happy when she was done and it was all over her baby belly.

After her bath, she fell asleep on me. She has started to say "I hold you, mama" and wants to lay on my chest while we rock instead of laying down. I love these sweet moments with my baby.

The next day, I threw some leftover chicken on a salad for lunch.

Grace joined Char for gymnastics on Tuesday, and they both had a blast.

We've been trying to eat healthier, and I've found that documenting it holds me a little more accountable. 

Wednesday, I made chicken meatballs marsala, and Isaac loved it.

We watched the Knights play, and the girls yelled each time they scored a goal. I love that my girls are so into the games. It's so fun to finally have a home team to root for!

Tacos were on repeat this week, since they're so easy. We should probably invest in some Cholula stock, though.

Perry slept like a little angel that night.

Gracie made some silly texts to sent to Auntie Allison and Uncle Alex on Friday.

We rented a 40 yard dumpster, and threw away everything in our house. OK. Not everything, but so.much.stuff. The girls were so excited about the dumpster and reorganizing their room and playroom. It feels so good to declutter and have some room to move around.

I wish I would have taken a before picture, because you could barely walk into this room. Now, Charley has her own bedroom, and we're slowly styling it her way. More to come on that soon.

Sunday morning, I sat with Perry while she ate cereal, and she had me cracking up acting like such a big girl.

We stopped by Grandma Espejo's since it was her birthday Saturday, and Perry loved playing with Brielle.

We finished up "Operation Clean House" on Sunday, and the dumpster was pretty full. We even gave Elijah and Ashley 7 pieces of furniture!

To top off our amazing weekend, the Knights took over first place in the NHL from Tampa Bay. Whoo Whoo!!

This week's post is short and sweet, because we literally spent most of our time cleaning and moving furniture. The whole house feels so much lighter. It was totally worth it!!

See ya next week <3

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