Last Week...

Picture of the Week: The Sleepiest Kid Ever

When I pick Perry up in the afternoons, we have to wait for about twenty minutes before Grace and Char get back from school. I actually kind of love it, because it gives me a chance to hang in Perry's classroom when they are doing afternoon crafts. Monday, they made barns out of chocolate graham crackers and marshmallow fluff. Perry's favorite part was eating it, and she shared with her sisters in the car as we drove home.

We made salads for dinner, and she kept begging Daddy for bites. He decided it was easier to just share the whole bowl with her. Perry is definitely our best eater of the bunch and loves pretty much everything you give her, including most veggies.


She was being super silly in the bath, so I gave her a mohawk to go with her sass.

While I was combing her hair, she found the tweezers on the counter, and kept calling them "teezwers". It was adorable, so I had to get a video.

As usual, she did not want to wake up Tuesday morning for school.

She was super excited to take a chocolate doughnut for breakfast, though. Daddy is always spoiling his girls.

Her teacher sent me these cute pictures of her playing with blocks at school that day.

That night at home, she hit her mouth on something and came downstairs to tell me her lip "has like, bleeding".

Wednesday morning, we got the coolest sunrise from all the smoke in the air. We've had lots of wildfires in California and Utah this year, and the smoke makes the sun bright red as it rises.

I saw this and loved it so much. There is bad and good in everything in life. I'm always teaching my kids (and my husband) to find the good and focus on that part.

The kids all spent the night with Grandma Espejo on Wednesday night and had so much fun playing together the next day.

Friday morning was another gorgeous sunrise.

Isaac took the day off work to spend with the girls before school starts next week. I forgot he needed them and drove my car with the car seats to work. He had to find some old ones and make those work for the day.

Their first stop was Fausto's for some breakfast burritos. My kids could live off egg burritos.

That afternoon, we had a meet and greet so Grace and Char could meet their teachers and see where their classrooms were before the first day of school. We ran into the Sebastians and had to get a picture of Gracie and Easton in front of the third grade banner. Char has the same teacher that Grace had, so we already knew we loved her. Gracie's teacher seems super nice, and I feel like she's really going to learn a lot this year.

Poppa and Gran just got back from Hawaii, so they stopped by with gifts AND made us dinner. Perry loved watching Poppa make the bread and kept eating the extra pieces.

Poppa and Gran brought the girls back hula outfits, and they were so cute trying to do the hula in them.

Saturday morning, Jen and I went to the Freshly Picked sample sale to score some moccs for the babies at great prices. We were early, so we grabbed a quick bite to eat while we waited. 

We had so much fun shopping as quickly as possible, and I even managed to grab a few for my sister Allison.

After our shopping extravaganza, we headed over to the Children's Discovery Museum for Amelia's birthday party, where Isaac got into a balloon fight with the kids.

Happy Birthday, Amelia! We love you SOO much!!

The girls had fun with their friends and ran amok through the whole place.

After the party, we headed to Grandma Sunshine's salon for the girls to get their hair cut before school starts. They both got a ton chopped off, and we left Grace and Char to spend the night with Presley at Grandma's house.

Perry took over my bubble bath and went crazy over all of the bubbles.

We went through our sweet haul of shoes from the Freshly Picked sale, and she carried them all over the house trying them all on.

We made a quick run to Target, and she had to hop over the big red ball like sisters always do.

Grandma spoiled the girls so much. They went to Circus Circus and got a shopping spree at Justice to pick out new clothes for the school year. They had the best time with her and Papa Craig, obviously.

Perry napped the day away as we did laundry, packed backpacks, and geared up for school to start the next day!

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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