Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Back to School

The girls had their first day of school, and it went great.

Monday, we started the Keto diet. I don't like to call it that, because we aren't on a "diet". We are eating minimal carbs (under 20g per day) and high fat and are also mostly feeding our kids the same thing. Watch The Magic Pill on Netflix, and you'll get it. We're buying as organically and wholly as possible with the least amount of chemicals in our foods in an effort to keep our bodies healthy and our minds working at their best.

We started off by letting some pork cook in the slow cooker all day and made some zucchini noodles to go with it. It was delicious, and at least Perry couldn't get enough. Grace and Char fought us on the zucchini a bit, but they both ended up eating some in exchange for dessert (chocolate peanut butter balls that we homemade with no sugar and added MCT oil).

Perry insisted on wearing her lamb slippers to school on Tuesday, so I just stuck her moccs in her backpack. It's all about picking your battles with a two-year-old.

When I picked her up from school, she and Acelyn were coloring jellyfish, which Perry was very proud of.

Grace started soccer practice up again that evening at Acacia Park.

Perry made a crab at school on Wednesday, and, again, was very proud of it.

When we got home, she asked to talk to Amelia, so we sent her a video.

Thursday, Perry was being silly before school, while we waited for sisters to finish getting ready.

That afternoon, she was "working" up front when I picked her up from school.

She sang "Kiki, do you love me?" while we were laying in bed that night.

We took some silly pictures.

This girls...always rolling her eyes at me.

Grace's class worked on getting to know one another and created a web of information.

We watched Ava on Friday night, and the girls had a blast playing with her.

Saturday morning we took a walk up to the water tower, and the girls rode their bikes.

I always get anxious when Perry goes running down this steep hill, so I made Daddy run with her.

We went to Brio at Town Square for lunch and stopped by the Raiders store, where everyone got some gear.

Perry napped the afternoon away.

We went to watch Toy Story in the park with the Kelton's and Lukses and made sure to bring some drinks along. Charley crashed as soon as we got there.

Sunday, Perry was playing dress up in the play room, and then came downstairs so show me her purse.

We searched through our Keto recipe books before going grocery shopping, and Perry helped us pick out some dinners.

She napped in her bed after we got home from the store.

We made homemade pizza for dinner, and everyone loved it.

This week was a success! See ya next week :)

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