Last (Two) Week(s)...

I didn't take as many pictures as usual due to the fact that I spent most of my time at work or in bed these past couple of weeks, so I'm combining the last two weeks into one post.

Picture of the Week(s): Gracie Hanging Out with William Karlsson

I thought this was a good Monday morning reminder.

Daddy and the girls worked out in the garage, while I admired a pretty rainbow over our house.

Perry played with Toodles, who has been sleeping in our room ever since I found out I was pregnant. He usually sleeps upstairs with the girls, but for some reason, he's always nearby lately.

Perry read a book to me after her bath on Saturday.

She snacked on apples during half time at Grace's soccer game.

Grace played on my phone while we watched Charley's soccer game.

We went to Target for a few things, and Perry read a magazine while she waited for us to check out.

The girls painted some Halloween Crafts that we got at Target that morning.

Perry wasn't feeling great that night, and she was even worse Monday morning. Daddy stayed home with her, and she slept in way later than usual.

He helped Charley make her pumpkin book character. Of course Char chose Thelma the Unicorn. it's one of her favs.

Tuesday night, Grace and I went to the Golden Knights season ticket holder event with my mom and Rick. They were having a wine and painting knight (see what I did there), where we got to paint the Knights logo and have a meet and greet with some of the players. We weren't told which ones, and we weren't supposed to ask for autographs, but we were so excited to see who was there. As we walked in, we were greeted by Vegas show girls, the Drumbots, and even Chance. When Chance saw Grace, he took her over to the showgirls and got the cheerleaders to all huddle around her for a picture. Unfortunately, their photographer was taking the picture, and I have no idea how to get a copy.

We finally got to our table, and we went to the front to sit on the end.

Chance and Big D came out to get the crowd excited, and then our Pinot's Pallet host started teaching us how to paint the logo.

Grace was having so much fun, she didn't notice when the players started entering the room. Everybody else sure did.

Somehow, we had the best seats in the house, and I was able to high five all of our favorite players as they walked in.

Each table was assigned two players, and as they started walking around, they autographed our paintings. It was so cool! Especially because we got Karlsson and Hyka.

We spotted quite a few of the other guys including Carrier and Marchy.

Deryk Engelland was walking by our table, and I got him to sign my painting as he passed by.

When we were all finished, we headed towards Border Grill for some dinner since they gave us free margarita coupons. The Drumbots were still playing as we left.

Since Grace couldn't have a margarita, she got free dessert instead. It was the perfect way to end such an awesome night. Thanks for taking us, Mom! We had so much fun!!

Charley brought home a picture from art class that she called "Cotton Candy Land".

Toodles continued to sleep on my bed, even while I was washing the sheets.

We took the girls to the Harvest Festival at their school on Friday. Grace was too cool for us, and she ran off with her girlfriends as soon as we got there. Charley couldn't wait to show us how she does the monkey bars every day.

We went around the blacktop playing all of the different carnival games, and the girls won all kinds of prizes.

While we were checking out all of the cool pumpkins from the contest, Auntie Geni walked in. We played a few games with Chase, and the kids went through the haunted house.

We grabbed some snow cones to end our fun night and ran into Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker (I think that's who that is) on our way out. The girls posed for a picture with Daddy.

Saturday morning it was back to the soccer fields, where we watched Char score some goals.

We had an hour in between games, so we grabbed some snow cones to pass the time.

Perry worked on her planks with Daddy.

Presley and Paxton came to watch Gracie play, and Char and Perry had fun playing with their cousins during the game.

That evening, Grace went to her friend Bryce's for a sleepover. She had so much fun with all of her girlfriends.

Perry didn't nap that day, so she fell asleep around five o'clock. Then she woke up at two in the morning saying she needed to eat, so Daddy made her some food.

After breakfast the next morning, Gracie came home, and we relaxed and watched football as we got ready for another week.

See ya next time!

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