Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Field Trippin' with Grace Face

Perry slept in Monday morning, per the norm.

Grace's class had crazy hair day, and she just wanted a side braid.

We got the girls' school pictures back, and Grace looks like a legit teenager.

Charley looks super sweet, but don't let this picture fool you. She cray.

We always get Toodles shaved in the spring, but we were kind of busy this year. Poor guy had all kinds of clumps on his fur, so we got him shaved in October. He refuses to go in his crate. Like all four legs spread out, crying, and throwing a fit, so I bought him a leash. He hated it, as you can tell by the look on his face. It was much easier for me than trying to get him in the crate, though.

Perry cheesed it up in the bath tub.

Gracie had a field trip to Gilcrease Orchards, and I got to go with her. I finally got picked for this one after two years of trying to volunteer, and I was so excited to go, despite the morning sickness that had been dragging me down. We rode a school bus all the way across town and sat with Grace's friend, Nohemi.

When we got there, we went to a classroom area where we learned all about honey bees and their job on the farm.

After our lesson, we took a wagon ride around the orchards to see everything they had to offer. It was so fun!

We got to go to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins. They had us cut them off the stem with clippers and write our names on the bottom to take home. Gracie picked a small white one and a large orange one.

Next up was the hay bale maze. The kids had a while to play here, and they ran around and around.

We got to check out the chickens in their big coop and learn some facts about them.

They had a cool bee hive that you could look into through glass, and the instructor pointed out the queen bee for all the kids to see.

The best part? We got some apple cider that was freshly made at the orchards. It had been frozen, so it was like a slushy and SO DELICIOUS! 

We took a group picture in front of the entrance before getting on the bus to head back to school.

Charley worked out and then flexed in the mirror with Daddy after school.

Allison and I got some fishes for our office.

Grace's class dissected owl pellets. I remember doing this as a kid, and it was pretty fun. They even found a mouse skull in one of them.

Charley's team took pictures after their game on Saturday. They're so good and seriously the cutest little team.

Perry and Charley played while Grace played in her game.

Grace played against some friends from school, so she had to go give them hugs after the game.

Sunday was perfect and rainy. We kept the windows open and watched football on the couch. 

Daddy worked on the Halloween decorations, and Perry walked around the house in his Michael Myers mask.

That's all for now! See ya next week :)

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