Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Happy New Year!

We spent New Year's Eve at the Lukses and had so much fun. The kids toasted with "champagne" at east coast midnight and celebrated with cupcakes and popping confetti in the backyard.

Us grown-ups also toasted to a blessed and prosperous new year, and Perry gave Daddy his new year's kiss.

We met Matt and Frannie for lunch at Lucille's on Tuesday, since we had the day off of work. We both got new cars this week in anticipation of our expanding families and talked all things baby at lunch. How crazy is it that in a few months, the kids will outnumber us SEVEN to four?! We definitely won't be going out to lunch for a while.

Perry snuggled on the couch with me and took a nap, while I watched some football.

She came home from school on Wednesday singing "Where is Pointer?". Girlfriend moved herself into the three year old class at school, although she isn't three until May. When I asked her why, she said, "because I'm bigger!".

The girls played with filters and tried some new hair colors on Perr.

Then they took a million pictures of themselves on their iPads.

We got some rain Saturday night, and Perry insisted on catching some raindrops in her mouth.

The girls continued their iPad photo extravaganza upstairs and had me cracking up at their pictures.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

Happy New Year!!

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