Last Week...

Picture of the Week(s): Make-Up with Mommy

Perry snacked on a popsicle after school on Monday.

Grace and Char painted her nails, and she was so happy about it.

Gracie got to have lunch with her teacher Friday for finishing a special homework assignment online.

Isaac went to Sherwin Williams to buy some paint to touch up the walls in our house. Perry is his "road dog" and goes with him everywhere. If he wakes up and goes to Starbucks without her, she gets so upset. Any time he is running to the store, or his dad's, or literally anywhere, she's the first to say she wants to go with him. He took her to the paint store, and she passed out on the way since it was nap time.

While Daddy painted the walls and baseboards, Perry and I hung out watching movies with our bellies.

He let her help until she started painting herself white.

Since the girls didn't have school Monday for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, they stayed with Grandma Sunshine. She took them to the salon, and they loved getting mani/pedis with her.

She called me about an hour before it was time to drop them off and said that Perry had fallen running up the wood stairs at her new house. We took her to the ER and spent four hours waiting to get her stitches. She was so good and was being so silly until we had to wrap her up to stitch her lip. We basically had to swaddle her, hold her down, and put a sheet over her face with just her lip out. She freaked out and screamed the entire time. It felt like hours, but it was probably less than five minutes. It broke my heart when the doctor told her she was almost done, and then Perr cried, "but it's hurting!". It was the worst thing I've ever been through. Then we opened the door to let Grace and Char back in, and both of them were bawling. They felt bad for their baby sister, too. After that, she was fine and ate mac and cheese (one noodle at a time) for dinner.

I tried taking a picture the next morning, but she was not a happy camper.

I saw her on the cameras at school patting another kid's back while he laid on the floor. I asked her about it after school, and she said he was sad, so she was making him feel better. She'll sit next to other kids and pat their backs at nap time, too, just like the teachers do. She moved herself into the three year old class and is basically an adult in there. 

She ate some apple sauce after school - one of her favorite snacks along with string cheese.

I got a better picture of her lip and the bruising after bath time that night. I was laughing because she could only smile on the left side of her face. Poor baby!

She watched her iPad and ate bananas in bed before falling asleep.

Gracie completed another homework assignment and got to have lunch with her teacher again on Friday.

Her friend Bryce invited her to Bingo night at school, and she had so much fun hanging out with her and even got a Bingo!

I spent the entire day Saturday going through old baby clothes upstairs and sorting them. I sold a ton online and found out that we had a decent stockpile for baby brother.

Perry hung out with me while I took pictures of all the items I was listing for sale.

She passed out in her bed and looked so sweet napping in her baby braids.

We went to Grandma Sunshine's on Saturday evening for dinner and to celebrate Christmas all together. Perry and Pax played together all night, and Uncle Zac and Auntie Stef even helped take her stiches out. She wasn't happy while it was happening, but she kept telling me how she was all better afterwards. Luckily, there were only two, so it didn't take too long.

She was happy the next morning that her stitches were all gone, and looked so cute in her ponytail.

We took the girls to Lost World Myth & Magic Sunday morning to get some energy out. It was our first time at this place, and since we got there right when it opened, we almost had it completely to ourselves. The girls loved everything about it and had a blast climbing, swinging, and jumping all over the place.

Perry was obsessed with this marry go round and rode it no less than twenty times.

Grace and Char went through this obstacle course over and over again.

At one point, Charley finally made it to the end and fell and hit her face on the mat. It was pretty funny, because she wasn't really hurt. She was over the obstacle course, though.

She did work on the monkey bars afterwards.

Perry found another merry go round and rode on the back of Char's motorcycle in the arcade.

We had so much fun that Perry passed out on the way home and didn't wake up when I took her inside. We're totally thinking about doing a joint birthday party for Char and Perry there this year.

In case you were wondering, I did combine two weeks into one post. Mainly because we didn't do much of anything the first week (and it was SO nice!).

See ya next week!

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