Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Gracie's Field Trip

Grace's class had a field trip to the Wetlands this week. She had fun exploring with her friends, and her teacher sent me the cutest pictures.

Perry looked so peaceful sleeping before I had to wake her up for school.

Since we got our new car, Perry gets to sit in a captain's seat next to the window. She used to be in the middle in between sisters, so she is loving her newfound freedom. She loves to "blow down" her window every day on the way home from school. 

She snacked on Cheetos after an early bath time on Wednesday.

Char brought home this pretty picture from art class, and we hung it up on the fridge.

Gracie took this picture of Perry snuggling on her lap at day care on Thursday. She loves her big sisters so much.

This one also popped up on my phone.

Perry and I stopped by the store after school for groceries.

She snacked on a fruit roll up while we waited for sisters to get home. Typically, I pick her up after work, and Daddy picks up Grace and Char since they get back to the day care later.

The girls made silly videos upstairs.

We celebrate Londyn's third birthday with a Peppa the Pig themed party, and we all had fun hanging out with friends that we haven't seen in a while. Happy Birthday, Londy!

Back at home, Perry snuggled with baby brother while she watched a movie on her iPad.

She woke up Sunday morning with the best bed head.

We went to the Lukses to watch the Super Bowl, and Scarlett took this picture of Grace's hair on Isaac's phone. Grace loves wearing her hair like this and recently learned how to do it herself, so she's super proud.

At half time, we headed to the Gerfys to hang out with them for a bit. The girls had so much fun playing with Amelia and dancing around the living room.

Perry made her own silly video before bed time.

That's all for now! See ya next week :)

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