Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Oldest and Youngest

We started off the week the same way we ended last week...with baby brother napping.

The plan this week was to take Perry to school three days. Daddy went back to work Monday, and I was trying to work from home. I was going to keep her home, but then I thought about what it would be like to drop her off at school after letting her stay home with me for three to four weeks. She wouldn't want to go back. I figured it'd be easier to take her three days a week to keep her used to it. Monday she got to stay home with me and wanted her own desk to work at since I was working. She even got a new pencil cup to put on it.

She watched movies with baby brother.

She fought me at nap time.

I won, but just before I had to wake her up to go pick up Grace and Charley from school. So did I really win?

Brother was the best snuggler and didn't fight me on naps at all.

Tuesday he napped some more. 

We also snuggled some more. I'm definitely making up for the lack of pictures during my pregnancy. I just can't get enough of his perfect little face.

His profile is just the sweetest.

We went to Char's soccer practice, and he loved being outside. One of the little brothers saw him and said, "Oh, no! What happened to him? He's old!" He just kept saying "Oh, no!", and it was cracking me up the whole time. I guess he had never seen a new baby before.

Gracie got in some snuggle time after her shower that night.

Is he for real with that sad face? Stop it.

His cheeks are starting to fill in a little bit, so naturally, we all can't stop kissing them.

I've been making sure to get some snuggle time in with him each time I feed him, because I'm fully aware of how quickly this stage is going to pass.

Wednesday was Grace's practice, and Perry insisted on wearing her Rapunzel dress. Daddy treated the girls to popsicles from the ice cream man, and it made their day.

Perry slept next to baby brother while I caught up on some work.

Grace's teacher sent me these cute pictures of her class. I can't believe they only have a couple weeks of school left. This year FLEW by.

Brother woke up in the morning to eat, and kept one eye open to see what was going on.

I decided to let Perry stay home on Wednesday, because I missed her too much when she was at school on Tuesday. She played her Vampirina guitar for me and sang me songs.

Baby started opening his eyes a little more this week, and Perry got so excited every time. She laughs and makes these surprised faces when she tells me "he touched my hand" or "he's opening his eyes". I love watching her with him. 

Whenever I would tell her to check on him in his basket, she'd go over there and say "he's just chilling".

He was obviously dreaming, and I couldn't stop staring at him.

They napped at the same time, and it was so quiet. I almost couldn't wait for one of them to wake up. (Almost.)

We went to Chase's last baseball game of the season.

This picture of brother reminded me of one I took of Char when she was a baby. These two look so much alike.

I love watching his facial expressions as he sleeps. He's always squeaking and raising his eyebrows.

I got the babies to nap at the same time again on Friday.

Perry snacked on an Otter Pop while we waited for sisters to get out of school.

We played outside with the neighbors, and brother soaked up the sun.

The kids played street hockey, and it was so fun to watch. We literally had parents dropping their kids off on our street to play.

Grace brought out some Otter Pops for a half time snack in the shade.

Auntie Elisha and Brielle stopped by to see the baby, and Brielle joined in the fun.

We got pizza for dinner, and the kids played inside. Perry loves hanging out with Brielle.

Brother looked adorable in his little beanie.

Char had her last soccer game of the season. Her team is doing a tournament next weekend to wrap it up.

Brother enjoyed the beautiful weather under the shade canopy.

Grandma Sunshine stopped by to see brother and took the first official picture of our family of six.

This little guy looked so tiny all curled up on my chest.

We took doughnuts to the splash pad Sunday morning, but we forgot towels, so the girls didn't last long once they got wet.

We tried to let baby play on his play mat, but he just fell asleep instead.

We spent the afternoon snuggling and napping.

We had another great week. See ya next time!

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