Last Week...

Picture of the Week: My Four Babies

Perry spent Monday morning playing with her new Play-Doh set. She loved it, and it kept her entertained for a long time, while I got some work done.

Brother just hung out in his basket, and Perry kept an eye on him.

When brother got bored, he hung out on his play mat, and Perry was right by his side.

She also held him while she watched movies.

After she wore him out, he took a long nap.

He was making the funniest faces when he woke up that made me laugh.

I couldn't get over his tiny baby feet. Perry loves to kiss them.

After a quick lunch, he was down for the count again.

Perry went to school on Tuesday, so brother napped a lot.

Charley's class had Watermelon Day, and she got to eat outside. They made some cute books all about watermelons. My favorite is her drawing of herself eating it.

Grace's class made these cute pennants with everyone's signature and a picture of her class.

The girls had cleaning appointments at the dentist, and I got to take all four kids by myself. Brother was so good and slept through most of it.

None of the girls had cavities, so it was successful appointment!

Back at home, Perry played with Brother before bed time.

We gave him his first bath in the tub, and he loved every second. I love how peaceful he was just chillin' in the warm water.

The girls had their last full day of school on Wednesday. I can't get over the fact that they will be in second and fourth grade come August.

It was Bubble Day for Char's class, so they blew bubbles and made another cute booklet.

Her three Bubble Wishes were to have her tablet back (Daddy took it away a month ago because they weren't following the rules), get and iPhone, and have a farm.

Brother did some more sleeping. If you look closely, you can see Perry's little fingers that are always holding his hands.

He slept in his basket before watching a boxing match with Daddy.

The last day of school came, and it was Hawaiian Day.

Char brought home her A-B Honor Roll certificate, and we were so proud of her.

Brother napped some more after we picked the girls up from school.

They wanted to play outside, and it was cold and windy. We've been having the greatest summer so far, because it hasn't really gotten hot yet, and we're at the end of May!

I admired Brother's growing cheeks that none of us can stop kissing.

He did some tummy time and fell asleep.

I finally got around to putting the kids in their cute matching shirts to get a picture. We went to the park to play, so I brought my camera, and the girls took turns taking pictures of each other on the playground. They got some pretty cute shots of one another.

Lil Bro napped when we got home.

The girls played Four Square with Easton.

When more kids came out, they switched to hockey.

JJ played cards with Perry after she begged everyone to play with her.

She also played with her bubble machine before the kids decided to play with water balloons.

We took the girls over to Poppa and Grandma's Friday afternoon, so Isaac and I could go visit Matt and Frannie in the hospital with the newest boys in town. Grandma got in a little snuggle time with baby before we left.

We were so excited to meet Riley and Oliver. It's going to be so much fun to watch these boys grow up together. Congrats again to the Gerfys. The boys are so sweet and adorable. They also look identical and just like their big sis, Amelia. We love them all so much!

Grace came into our room Saturday morning inquiring about breakfast. After we figured it out, she showed us her list of questions that she had made to ask us.

Brother slept on our bed and loved the soft blanket.

I compared these pictures of Perry and Isaac. Everyone says he looks just like Charley, but I see some Perry in him, too.

Her tried out his swing for the first time and took a nice nap in it.

We did some tummy time, and he wore himself out.

Sisters made sure to hang out with him while he played. I don't think he gets enough love around here.

We played outside, because it was beautiful Saturday morning. 

We stopped at the mall so the girls could use their Justice gift cards when we remembered that they also had Build-a-Bear gift cards. We stopped in there first, and they all made stuffed animals.

Grace and Char got all kinds of stuff at Justice, and Perry wanted something. I let her pick this bag of gummies only to find out that it was a gummy bracelet - two of her favorite things combined into one!

That afternoon, the kids were back it. This time it was softball, and I had a blast watching them learn to play. You couldn't catch them playing sports with the boys last year. They were way too shy and embarrassed to try anything new. I'm so glad they are more open this year, because they are trying all kinds of new things and have so much fun playing with their best buddies.

Grace also roller bladed all over the place. She decided that she wants a new pair for her birthday since these ones are getting too small.

Perry watched movies with Brother after her bath. I love how much she loves him.

Sunday morning, she went straight to brother right when she woke up.

The girls have been asking to go to Hash House a Go Go for months. We finally took them, and they were all so good. My heart has been feeling so full lately watching my kids grow and become these little people. I'm so proud of all of them and feel so blessed to call each of them mine.

After breakfast, we went to Dave and Busters to play some games.

Brother just slept, while everyone else had a blast.

The girls got light up slushies and cheers'd when they came.

Perry slept on the way home, and I couldn't believe how long she looked.

We took Brother's pictures, because he is already one month old. I can't even believe it. Of course the girls had to help me, while I took the pictures.

We snuggled for the rest of the evening.

I'm loving my little (big) family more and more every day.

That's all for now.

See ya next week!

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