Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Pool Day with the Boys

We got Brother a new bouncer for the office, because he loved sitting in Oliver and Riley's over the weekend. He was happy to have a new place to hang out at work.

Grace and Char sent me this picture from Kid Zone. I like that they have a little bit of independence going there for the summer, and they love the times when they get to play together. As much as these two fight, they really are the best of friends.

Perry played in Brother's Nemo play mat with him.

Brother's belly was large and in charge after he ate dinner.

The girls played hockey outside in the rain with their besties, and we even got a pretty rainbow.

Brother fell asleep while eating at work.

He hung out in his bouncer some more.

He came with me to my nail appointment and was so good hanging out in his car seat.

He gave me some big ole smiles when he woke up from his nap on Thursday.

Gracie kept an eye on him while I showered before bed, and he was loving the attention from his biggest sister.

She played tangram with Osmo on her iPad.

I pulled out Char's old bouncer from "the too small room". (That's what we call the bedroom upstairs where we put all of the clothes that are too small for Grace or Char but are being saved for Perry. It also holds all of our old baby stuff until Brother outgrows it.) He likes this one even better than the one we bought for the office and even napped in it.

Brother was just hanging out on his blanket, minding his business, when Charley walked by and smothered him in kisses. This is really the story of this kid's life with three big sisters.

Perry brought home the cutest handprint art. She made a strawberry, and they started on a handprint alphabet that is the cutest thing ever.

She also brought this paper home that she didn't have time to finish at school and kept calling it her homework. I helped her finish it, and she kept saying her hand hurt. It was hilarious, because it wasn't even the one she was writing with. She sure was proud of it when she was finished, though!

I stayed home with the kids Friday, because they had back to school meet and greets with their teachers. That morning, Charley and Perry found this gigantic grasshopper in our back yard. It was dead, and Perry had no fear of it at all. Charley showed me these pictures she took, and I was dying. (Side Note: Las Vegas/Henderson was invaded with grasshoppers this past week. They are EVERYWHERE. They're all over the grass at work, all over our yard, and they hop up wherever you walk outside. I've never seen anything like it, and I was born here. It's the craziest thing.)

Gracie was so excited to meet her teacher and see who was going to be in her class this year. I didn't get a picture of Charley, because as soon as we walked into her classroom, the fire alarm went off. We had to leave the building, and it was a bit chaotic when we went back inside to meet her teacher. The girls both thought they seemed nice and are now even more excited to go back to school next week.

Perry and Brother watched a movie in Grace's room, while the cleaners were downstairs doing their thing. This girl is something else.

She loves to watch him all the time whether he's awake, eating, or sleeping. It's so fun to see her love for him grow as he begins to interact more with us.

He slept so hard, his drool started running down my arm.

We spent Saturday by the pool with the Gerfys. The girls had fun playing together as usual, and the boys were the cutest in their floaties. I still can't believe we had all of these girls and then, surprise! Three boys thrown in to the mix all at once. 

We took the girls to Coffee Cup for breakfast on Sunday, because it's one of our favorite places. They played with blocks and LOL dolls while we waited for a table.

Once we were seated, Brother just kicked back and put his feet up like he owned the place.

The girls always ask for quarters and love these little rides outside.

After breakfast, we stopped by Hemenway Park to see if there were any Bighorn Sheep around. We saw a ton of them hanging out in all of the shaded areas. Perry loved them and wanted to walk right up to them.

We played for a minute before heading back home, because it was starting to get really hot out.

We had a lunch/pool date with the Keltons at the Luks' house since the kids were going back to school the next day. We had fun chatting, while the kids swam and played.

Daddy tried to give Brother a bottle while I was gone, but it didn't work out. This guy just isn't interested. I fed him when I got home, and he passed out.

This kid took a bath and passed out, too.

We're all excited for school to start next week, so we can get back in to a regular routine.
See you Monday!

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