Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Brother at the Doctor Again (see below for our crazy experience with health insurance)

Perry and Acelyn started their first dance class on Monday, and it might be the cutest thing you've ever seen. Perry was alllll about it, copying her teacher's every move. She even made sure to see where the teacher landed when they played freeze dance and copy her pose. It was so fun to watch.

After dance class, we also started soccer practice for Grace and Char. Our weeks are getting busier and busier, and I'm loving it (for now).

Brother loved hanging outside during practice. This boy loves him some fresh air.

He napped in his rocker at work on Tuesday.

Perry made up her own song and sang while we drove home. It was so sweet as she sang, "everyone's gonna beee allll righttttt".

Bro Bro watched TV with Char Char.

He laughed at Mommy before nap time.

He played with his rattle. He's getting more and more interested in toys lately and wants to hold on to everything.

Perry brought home this adorable hand print and poem from school.

She had some sister/brother time while Bro hung out on his play mat.

Brother has to have a procedure at the hospital in a couple of weeks, and it has given me so much insight into how much of a shit show our health insurance system is here in America. (Sorry for the language, but there really is no better way to describe it!) We see a pediatrician regularly, but he is no longer under our HMO, so we now see him under our PPO side. He referred us to a pediatric urologist that IS under our HMO. We had to pay high copays all three times we saw him, because we had to see him under the PPO side since he was referred from our PPO pediatrician. They called to tell me that Brother's surgery deductible was going to be $2,000 under this PPO insurance. The lady was nice enough to let me know that it was only $200 under the HMO if we could go see another pediatrician under our HMO policy and have them refer us to the same urologist...again. Friday we went to see the new pediatrician just this once to get the referral. They referred us to the wrong urologist, so I had to call them the next day to get it switched. Then we had to go see the urologist again as a NEW patient, even though we had already been there three times. SO STUPID. Now we only have to pay $200 for his procedure. It only took me forty-five phone calls between all the doctors to get all of the paperwork forwarded and uploaded to the correct people, but I saved $1,800. Are you confused? I was, too. Such a joke. Bro Bro looked cute at the new doctor's office, though. I wasn't a fan of the doctor who dropped ten ballpoint pens onto baby's face and told me to come back in two days for his six month wellness check. Huh? I'm glad we don't have to go back there again!

Bro Bro was all smiles Saturday morning, and Perry was soaking up the love.

The kids watched a movie, while Daddy and I made breakfast.

Char Char took Brother upstairs and he hung out in her bed watching Mickey Mouse.

We got the girls some blue light glasses to protect their eyes when they're on their phones or tablets, and Perry loved them.

We went to Hash House for breakfast with the Halls on Sunday, where Perry chose oatmeal over pancakes, and I had the best avocado toast in the whole world. I'm a big fan of balsamic.

The girls goofed around as we shopped at the mall that afternoon.

Brother spent the afternoon napping.

I put together his new jumper, and he loved hanging out in it.

Bed time seems to get earlier and earlier for this guy. He starts to get antsy a few minutes before seven to let you know that he is ready for his bath/bed time routine.

This year is flying. Next week is already September!

See you then :)

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