Fun-Filled Park Days

We've been having some really odd weather here in Vegas the past couple of weeks. It'll be 55 one day and 75 the next, so we've been trying to enjoy those warm days and make them extra special.

Last week, we went to a park close to our house.

This week we decided to try a new one that's just a little ways down the street.

Grace loved it, and we loved watching her have fun.

Here are some of the best pictures of the day:

(My absolute favorite!!)

It was so nice out, even baby Tenley came to join us.

Grace tried showing her how to climb up the rock wall:

She was really happy that she made it to the top:

We posed for a quick picture with the gals:

Grace found her shadow for the first time and was amazed by it:

Daddy and Grace hung out on the bridge:

I was a gorgeous day. It tired us all out so much that all three of us slept for two and a half hours when we got home! Now that Grace is big enough to actually enjoy the park and play with other kids, we're going to be having a lot more of these fun-filled park days.

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