My Little Family

The weather this weekend was so beautiful!

We decided to take Grace to the new park that opened up by our house. It's really big and has a separate playground for the younger kids which is really nice.

Grace started off walking through the tunnel. It was super cool, because you can see through half of it. She liked looking at Mommy and Daddy through the window:

Grace soon found the slide:

Although I think she liked climbing up it more than sliding down:

She quickly learned how to climb up the steps to get back to the top:

We tried the swings, but she wasn't super fond of them:

She practiced driving the playground:

She learned how to use the ladder steps:

She worked on her rock climbing skills:

And then she had enough of the baby park. Big girl wanted to play on the big kid toys.

We headed over there, and Grace was fascinated.

She tried balancing on these nifty things:

She wasn't great at standing on them, so we tried sitting instead:

Then she wanted to try climbing on the net:

That didn't last long once she saw the spinning mobile. It basically lets you spin as fast as you can make it go:

The best part was when she would get off and walk all crazy because she was so dizzy! She had Isaac and I laughing so hard.

We headed back to the slide one more time before we left:

When we were all ready to go home, Daddy couldn't help himself but stop by another park to go on the slides one more time. He spoils his baby girl rotten:

All of that playing really wore her out! Baby girl passed out on the bed the second we got home:

Next weekend the weather is supposed to be in the seventies. I can't wait to spend more time outside with my little family :)

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