Nine Out of Ten

This week, we are twenty-nine weeks prego:

This means baby has a nine out of ten chance of survival if she is born now. She can now control her own breathing and body temperature, and she's really good at coughing and sucking. 

We have a 4D Ultrasound this upcoming week, so we'll finally get to see what she looks like! We are both really excited for that. 

I'm also curious to see how she's grown and get an better estimate of when she'll be born.

Isaac and I decided not to do a nursery this time around, since Grace never even used her crib.

Now that she has started sleeping in her toddler bed, we figured the new baby may do well in her own bed too if it was in our room.

Grace's bed is near the window and there is a perfect amount of space for a crib on the other side of it.

I told Isaac that if we could find another crib exactly like Grace's, I'd love to get one to put there.

 I remember when we bought the rails to change Grace's from a crib to a toddler bed back around Christmas time, the lady told us that they had discontinued this line and only had one crib left in back. 

We love Grace's so much because the back and sides are curved, so it's really pretty. We looked at new ones, but none of them compared. 

I decided to call and ask if they still had it just to see. When she said they did and it was $150 off, Isaac and I drove straight down to Babies R Us to grab it. I'm really glad we did, because I'm hoping the new baby will actually use hers since it's in our room this time around. 

Plus, it can turn into a full bed as well, so the girls will be able to use them both forever.

Grace has always been fascinated with tools and loves helping her Daddy put things together. Of course she had to help with the crib too. She even cried when it was finished and there were no screws left to put in:

As soon as the crib was complete, I knew that I had to have new baby bedding for it. Grace's was all pink, and since this one is in our room, I wanted something more neutral to match.

 I found the cutest lamb stuff at Pottery Barn Kids, but it was super expensive and on back order. I started looking around and found almost the same thing at Babies R Us (only it was actually way cuter...score!). 

When Isaac was at work over the weekend, Grace and I went to get the crib mattress and bedding. We washed it all and had it put together when Daddy got home. He really liked it too, so we didn't even get in trouble:

Here's a good picture of the kiddo's beds in our room (it's kind of dark):

Thank gosh our room is so big that they both fit in there. It'll be super nice to have all of the kids upstairs when they're a little older, but for now I don't feel comfortable leaving them up there all alone. 

Plus, it's not like they'll want to be close to me forever. I'm going to savor every snuggle moment while I can!!

Stay tuned for pictures of baby from the upcoming Ultrasound!

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