Last Week...

...we had dinner with Uncle Zac and Stefanie:

...Gracie looked so sweet when we were leaving for school that I had to snap a quick picture:

(Her eyes match her shirt!)

...we're still enjoying monsoon season, which means more rain. Charley got to play in it and didn't mind the rain drops one bit:

Grace preferred to stay in the garage:

...she played on the counter and tried sneaking into Charley's Bumbo:

My little acrobat. She climbs and flips all over the place now. Her new thing is to climb on the kitchen counter to wash her hands in the "big sink".

...Charley hit the three month mark:

...Grace shared her delicious popsicle with Minnie Mouse:

...Charley snuggled in bed with Mommy after Grace fell asleep on Thursday. She kept rolling over on her face though, so she went back in her sleeper for the night:

...we had dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Whiting, Uncle Zacarias and Stef. It was nice to all get together:

(Zac and Stefanie are giving us our very first niece in just a couple of months! We couldn't be more excited!!)

Charley tried to sneak some of Grace's pizza:

Grace got a huge plate of cotton candy for dessert. She freaked out and took a while to warm up to it:

Charley was eyeing Grandma's cotton candy, so I let her give her a couple of bites. (Her first official food!):

Obviously she loved it. Who doesn't?:

...Charley played with Mom and Dad at work during lunch time:

...we had our weekly Friday night dinner at Kasie and Jeremy's where Charley taught herself to rock:

Kasie made a yummy pie in apples:

(I didn't get an after picture, because we ate them too fast!)

...I went to Jessica's baby shower. It was like a mini high school reunion, and I got to spend a few hours with some awesome girls. THREE of them are expecting babies. I can't wait to see each one of their little angels. Babies are kind of my favorite thing in the world. I would seriously have like ninety-five if I could be a stay-at-home mom and have a nanny or four and if I could afford it. Oh, and if my husband would go for it:

Congrats again, Jess!! cousin, Candice, is also expecting a little one (who isn't these days), so she and her husband moved back home. Our family got together to celebrate, and it was great to spend time with them all! I'm so excited to be able to hang out with her more and for her to experience being a mom as well. We were pretty close growing up, so it's super exciting to see how our lives are changing and our families are growing. I'm secretly hoping she'll stay in town for a while so our kids can grow up playing together:

While we were there, Poppa got to hang out with his girls:

And all of the baby cousins got to play together:

...Grace and Charley watched TV together while Daddy slept in:

...Charley woke up in a great mood and gave Mommy lots of smiles:

...Daddy helped Gracie brush her teeth:

...we went to Lowe's to get materials for "rain gutter bookshelves" to put in the girls' play room. While we were there, Charley had a quick lunch and took a break on Daddy's lap:

When we got home, she taught herself how to take her binky out of her mouth. Now if we could only get her to put it back in:

...Charley spent a little bit of time Sunday doing tummy time:

...Grace learned how to escape this week, so we also got some latches for the top of our doors while we were at Lowe's. Now she's locked in tight, and it provides a little added security to the house:

See ya next week :)

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