Summer Nights

We finally got around to having another pool day this summer.

Before we had babies, you could find Isaac and I by the pool almost every weekend.

I was so excited to finally have a Saturday with no other plans and knew I wanted a pool day immediately.

When we got to my mom's and headed out by the pool Grace decided that she realllly liked the song on the radio and put on a little show for us:

She was almost instantly ready for a nap after that little jig, so I spent some quality time with Charley while Isaac and my mom got Grace to sleep.

We hung out in the shade for a bit:

Then decided to go for a dip. She absolutely loved the pool:

We hung out on the big girl raft for a few before settling on the little fishy floaty:

I really doubt she is teething this early, but baby loves gnawing on her hands, mommy's fingers, and anything else she can get to her mouth:

Once Gracie fell asleep, Daddy came outside to get some Charley time:

That didn't last very long, because soon it was her turn for a nap:

Matt and Frannie came to hang out, and we enjoyed some Summer Shandy and margaritas and played a little volleyball until Gracie woke up:

Cashy came out to have a little fun in the sun, too:

Grace practiced her skills she's been learning in swimming lessons:

Late in the afternoon, clouds starting rolling in cooling us off. We ditched the pool and headed for the pool cabana bar, which just happened to be reserved especially for us:

Since there was a UFC fight on that night, we went ahead and hung out there to watch while mom and Rick made us a steak dinner (talk about amazing hosts!!). The cabana sits on top of a little hill, so we had a gorgeous view of the lightning and thunder. We sat outside loving every second:

Jeremy and Kasie even joined us, so Grace had to take Kasie on a tour of her new play house. The swing set has even been installed (thanks papa Rick!), so it's all ready to go:

Sometimes you forget how much fun it is just to hang out with your friends and enjoy life. My mom put both of the girls to bed so Isaac and I could relax with our company. We stayed up until well after midnight in deep conversation while the rain poured and the thunder boomed. Summer nights are so amazing! Especially when you get to share them with such great people.

Thanks so much for helping out with the girls, mom! You're the best :)

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