Last Week...

...I totally forgot to mention the week before that Grace had her first modeling gig. She took photos in Halloween costumes for a catalogue and will be used on the packaging in stores. They liked her so much that she's going back next week to do more costumes! We weren't allowed to take any pictures, but I'll be sure to post pictures of the catalogue as soon as it comes out. So proud of my baby girl!
 :) (<- that's a HUGE smile on my face!)

...we got lots of rain. Grace and I spent a lot of time in the backyard soaking it up:

...Grace carried Charley to the bath:

...Mommy and Charley played while waiting for the tub to fill up:

Side Note: We have suuuper hard water up here, so about once a year our hot water to our tub stops working. We have to remove the cartridge and either adjust it or replace it. Isaac isn't the greatest handy man, so he replaced the handle upside down. We only get really hot water or really cold water. (Thanks for trying, honey!) This means we have to fill the bathtub up before the girls get in to combine a little of each until the water is just right. I'll be getting a plumber up here to fix it real soon.

...we took a walk almost every evening since the temperatures stayed under one hundred all week. (Really?! Really!!):

...Daddy showed Grace how to play basketball:

...Grace practiced her gymnastics:

...we got a little more rain (that's my front yard):

And the back...

We hung out in the backyard to enjoy the much cooler weather, and Grace found a new friend while playing in the rain:

...we made Minnie Mouse sugar cookies:

Grace thought she was cute and made herself a video:

...Charley rolled over for the first time:

And Gracie helped/cheered her on:

...Charley tried to eat Daddy while Mommy was taking pictures: friend, Amy, had her beautiful baby Sophia last week, and I finally got around to visiting them. Sophia is just beautiful, and I had the best time just gossiping and catching up with Amy while snuggling with her little one. Congrats again, Croppers! She's precious!! We can't wait for baby girl play dates :)

...Charley really liked going on walks! I don't know what it is about this picture, but I just want to pick Grace up and put her in my pocket. Little sassy pants:

...Grace gave herself a pretty good scratch near her right eye: babies slept so sweetly:

...Poppa napped with Gracie at nap time:

...Grace and Charley played and snuggled in our bed Saturday morning:

...we went to jazz by the lake at Lake Las Vegas and actually got to stay and hear some jazz this time! The girls loved it, and we had a great time, too:

After the show, we hung out back at our place. Grace stayed up until one in the morning giving Matt and Darrin mani/pedis. She was hilarious:

...we took another walk to close out the week:

Hope you all had a great week, too!

See ya next week :)

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