Last Week...

...Charley hung out in bed with Mom:

...we wanted to take Grace to the Disney Store, but ended up at the Character Depot instead. She found an awesome big-headed Mickey and Minnie before we actually made it to the Disney Store. This kid went nuts. She couldn't pick anything because she wanted everything. She ended up with a Minnie cup, a Buzz Lightyear cup, a Minnie hair styling set, a Minnie bracelet, and a stuffed Pluto. Seeing her so happy made us that much more excited to take her to Disneyland in a couple of months:

...Grandma Lisa took the girls to the park while Isaac and I worked on Monday:

...Charley hung out in her pack n play, and I got an even better shot of the new teefers:

...Grace talked to Poppa on the phone. She has become obsessed in recent weeks and can have a full conversation now. She LOVES getting phone calls from her grandparents:

...Charley continued to nap twice in the morning and once in the afternoon:

...she woke up happy and ready to play with Mommy:

...Grace had swim lessons three times. (We missed the past two weeks because of fevers and flooding, so we had to make them up.):

...Charley started getting a little squishier:

...we had dinner at Cafe Rio and got dessert at Nielsen's next door:

Since Charley was looking big, so I made a comparison photo between now and her at two weeks old. What a difference:

...Charley did tummy time back at home. She's come to love her links and heart rattle:

Her hair is still growing at a rapid pace. I'm hoping she gets mine since Grace didn't:

...Daddy and Charley made steak and lobster for dinner while Grace and I played out front with the neighbors:

...we went to Elijah's football game where Charley slept while she waited for it to start, and Grace became fascinated with cheerleading and drums:

...Gracie wore her new Buzz Lightyear jammies proudly (thanks Grandma Espejo!):

...Daddy played with Charley before bedtime:

...Grace helped put Charley to bed:

...we went to the Water Street Car Show with the Cantors and Unertls:


...Charley rocked her new OU kicks (Go Sooners!):

...she fell asleep with her Lulu:

...Grace gave me this smile after eating some chocolate (sugar high):

...we played with the camera on the iPad:

..Grace passed out watching football with mom:

...pretty girl rooted for the Chargers after the Titans game:

Whew! That was a long one.

See ya next week :)

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