Last Week...

...Grace and I practiced singing Christmas songs (Frosty the Snowman is hard, hard, hard):

...Charley bug slept in her crib:

...Grace made cookies with Grandma Lisa, and then ate them under the Christmas tree:

...I snuck out for some "mommy time" and got my nails done (LOVE my nail girl, Tiffani):

...Claire made some snowflakes for Grace and Charley. Grace carried hers everywhere with her that day:

...Mommy got to cuddle with Charley while she slept at Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's:

...she must have been really tired, because she went right to bed in her crib when we got home. A little later, when I went in to check on her, I found her sleeping like this:

...Grace and I saw this beautiful sunrise Thursday morning and had to take a picture:

...we got a little rain later that afternoon:

...Grace got her pictures done at school. I was so excited for them, and then totally forgot to get her dressed up the day of. They turned out so cute anyways:

...she is officially two and a half!

...Grace bit someone at school. I was shocked when the teacher told me, because she's not one to bite. I scolded her, made her apologize, and then told her it was not nice and explained why. I couldn't stop thinking about it, so later that night when we were laying in bed, I asked her about it:

Me: "Grace did you bite someone at school today?"
Grace: "Yah! I bit Kayden."
Me: "Why would you do that?"
Grace: (starts shaking and pulls her hands in hear her body) "He is mean to me and hits me in the head all the time."

That made me feel a lot better. At least she was just defending herself. I told her that next time instead of biting him, she should tell her teacher. Isaac told her that next time she should punch him in the face.

I talked to her teacher Thursday, and she said that they had watched him closely Wednesday, since it was so unlike Grace to be mean to someone. Apparently, he had been wresting a lot with his dad at home, and thought it was ok to try and fight the other kids in her class. They spoke with his parents and things have been fine since then.

When I picked Grace up from school Thursday, she had a little cut under her eye. She said "Kayden hit me in the head with a car, and I beat the cwap outta him." I doubt that really happened since the teacher didn't mention it, but it was funny to hear that coming from Gracie.

Charley was in need of a nail trimming and also cut herself under her eye, so the girls had matching owies:

...Charley slept some more:

...Grace got her replacement drum set from the Cantor's, and it was covered in Mickey Mouse. She loved them so much that she followed me all over the house telling me to watch her play over and over again:

Charley liked them, too:

...Grace and Daddy got Cinnabon (Daddy's favorite):

...we went to the Fashion Show Mall to finish up our Christmas shopping, and they had a Santa show in the middle. Daddy put Grace on his shoulders so she could see better, but she was a little scared of being up that high:

Obviously, Charley was impressed: mom and Rick had their bi-annual Christmas party. We got to eat, hang out with tons of family and friends, and play in the photo booth. Here are a few shots from the night:

...we made a gingerbread house and took the girls to see Christmas lights.

...Charley spent some time in her jumpy bouncing around like crazy:

Don't worry...Grace didn't get around to playing with those scissors ;)

See ya next week!

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