Last Week...

...I made this comparison photo of Grace watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas last year and this year:

...Charley crawled all over the place and played with her puppy from Karl and Linda (thanks guys!!):
...Grace watched movies in Charley's sleeper:
...I finally started getting some presents wrapped and under the tree:
...I picked Charley up from school and found her wearing this adorable hat:
...Grace got a little crazy during 'Taco Tuesday' and danced as she ate:
...the girls played in the living room:
This is a glimpse into a typical night at our house...Grace not wearing any pants, Charley minding her own business, and Grace knocking Charley over. Poor little bug is going to be one tough cookie as she grows up!
...Grace had her first Christmas recital, and Charley was super excited to watch sister sing:
...I got my nails done with pretty snowflakes:
...Charley hung out in her highchair while we made dinner: girl held my finger as she slept. I love snuggling my girls as they sleep. They look so peaceful, and I would just sit there staring at them forever if I could:
...Daddy and Grace napped the same way:
...we went to Poppa and Gran's to make cookies.
...Friday night, we celebrated Christmas with Kasie and Jeremy. They got Grace these awesome Tinkerbell skates. She immediately wanted them opened, so Kasie showed her how to use them:

She wouldn't even take them off as she opened her next present...a Hello Kitty gumball machine:
Charley even got in on the action and ripped some paper. She got the cutest little bunny named Abigail that interacts with books that you read her.
Abigail is super soft, so Charley loves to snuggle with her:
Thank you both so much! The girls loved their gifts, and we can't wait to use ours (tickets to the show Zumanity and a gift card for drinks at Firefly before the show)!!
...Saturday morning, Grace and Mommy cuddled until Daddy and Charley got up:
Once they were awake, we all played in bed before getting ready for the day:
We spent the whole day Saturday finishing up our Christmas shopping and getting everything wrapped and ready for our families.
...Charley helped Mommy fold laundry in the closet. She had so much fun:
It's the simplest things that make the best toys.
...I went to check on Charley during her nap, and found the little munchkin like this:
I guess it's time to lower the crib mattress!
...Sunday morning, Grace held sister's hand and gave her kisses.

We celebrated Christmas with all four of our families between Sunday and Tuesday...more on that later :)

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