Last Week...

...Grandma Lisa took the three Espejo girls to get their pictures taken together.

Of course Grace would fall on the way in and get her dress all dirty:

They turned out so adorable. I'm pretty sure they're the cutest cousins ever:

(Thanks, Grandma Lisa!)

...we went to the car wash after work:

...Grace and Charley played on the floor while we tried getting Charley to crawl, and Grace came up with her very own nickname for her sister:

...we had dinner at Memphis Barbecue after swim lessons, and Charley got to gnaw on a yummy Memphis roll:

...I made this comparison photo of Grace and Charley around half a year old:

...Grace learned a new song. It may be her new favorite: babies wore their warmest jammies since the weather finally got wintery and slept so peacefully in their beds:

...after I put Charley to bed, I heard some rustling around in her crib. I found her up playing with Elle, silly girl:
...Grace helped Poppa blow and rake the leaves out of his yard on Friday. What a hard little worker. I made sure to put these ones up in my office to show the guys how it's done:

...we went to the Bellagio Conservatory and Botanical Gardens with our neighbor/friends, The Sebastians. The kiddos had such a blast watching the penguins dance and the trains zoom by. Grace keeps asking if we can go back:

(She can't stop talking about the big penguins. They were her favorite.)

Of course we had to stop in Jean-Philippe Patisserie to check out the chocolate waterfall. Grace said, "I want to go in there!" I tried, but since the door was locked, the big kids got yummy suckers to enjoy instead:

...we went to the Cantor's annual Christmas party where Karl and Linda gave Grace her very first drum set! She was so excited. It was definitely a big hit:

It took her all of about ten minutes to trip and break one of the drums off. Fortunately, Linda was able to take it back and replace it with a Mickey Mouse drum set (even better).
Charley hung out with Randy, and Grace sang karaoke with Aunt Terri:
Both kids fell asleep pretty early and didn't wake up the whole night:
That was great, because it allowed us grown ups to have a little fun:
The next morning was a little rough. I don't think I even got out of bed until four-ish. I've said it before, but I'm never drinking again. Like, ever.

...Charley officially started crawling on Sunday at just over seven months:

...after I took a video of Charley, Grace wanted her picture taken. She told me, "take a picture of me with this monkey, ok now with Mickey, ok now with...what is this?" It's corn Grace. "Ok, now with this corn":

See ya next week :)

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