Our Little Ladybug is Turning {ONE}

Charley bug is officially turning one next week, but we had been planning on a Disneyland trip to celebrate, so we decided to have her party a week early.
(Turns out we aren't going to Disneyland until May.)
Since we've called her Charley Bug since she was born, it was pretty clear that we had to go with a ladybug party theme:

We sent out invitations, and being the procrastinator that I am, had to change the location of the party. We orignally wanted to do it at Mission Hills Park since it's just down the street from the house. When I called the City of Henderson to get the permit three weeks before the party, they informed me that there would be a 350 person company picnic there that day. I imagined all of the little kiddos getting lost in the crowds and all of the chaos and decided to go a different direction.
We ended up having the party at Avellino Park instead. It turned out perfect, because it's new and clean, and the playgrounds are the best we've found.
Of course, the day of the party would be crazy windy. Getting tablecloths, plates, and cups to stay on the tables was a tough gig. By the time everyone started arriving, the wind totally stopped and the day was absolutely beautiful. We even had tiny ladybugs everywhere:
I got a cute banner that showed off pictures of Charley each month from the time she was born until her first birthday. It was soo adorable:
My dad made the cutest cake. He is so crafty and talented (one trait that definitely does not run in the family). I just sent him a few pictures of ladybug cakes I found online, and viola:
We had the cutest little favors - chocolate covered Oreos and Pretzels - to thank the guests for coming:
My mom made some sweet little ladybug cupcakes for the dessert table, too. (Seriously...how did I not get this gene from either of my parents?!):
My sister, Geni, insisted on making Charley's smash cake. It turned out perfect, and Charley loved it, as you'll see a little further down the page:
Charley had the cutest wings and loved running all over the park playing with the bigger kids:
She ate Cheeto puffs, pasta salad, and fruit for lunch:

After lunch, she went straight over to scope out all of her gifts:
And then continued playing with her friends:
(Of course Easton would be heading straight for the basketball courts.)

After we played for a while, it was time for cake. This girl was so excited and knew just what to do. Just look at her face while everyone sang "Happy Birthday". She was practically begging me to put the cake down:
The anticipation was killing her. I've never seen a one-year-old so excited for cake before. It's like she had done this already and knew what was coming.
She didn't bother waiting or being timid like most kids either. After one taste, she was all in:

Of course, Grace face had to steal some frosting:
Charley even yelled at her to get away!
While the other kids got their own pieces of cake, Charley shared hers with Bethany and Kasie:
She was such a mess afterwards. Good thing Mommy brought her a second cute outfit to wear. Daddy got the fun job of cleaning her up, though:
When she was all dressed again, we played some more:
Then it was time for presents. Grace helped read all of the cards while Noah helped give Charley each gift to open. She loved playing with each present and checking them out as  I  she opened them:
 Thank you so much to everyone! I had to donate two more full trash bags of old toys from their playroom to make room for the new ones.
After presents, the kiddos played even more. I'm telling you, this park is SO much fun!

Grace played with all of the decorations while we cleaned up to head home.

Charley had the best birthday ever
We had so much fun and couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. The girls are so spoiled, and we have the best family and friends around.
Thanks again to everyone for coming and spending such a special occasion with us.
I can't believe my little girl is already turning ONE!

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