Two Little Chicks

We spend every weekend trying to decide what fun new things we can do with the girls. We're usually out and about discovering places or enjoying a day at the park.

This Sunday, we were out the door by 7:30 to get to The Coffee Cup (our Sunday spot) before the crowd beat us.

After breakfast, we headed to Trader Joe's to get our weekly shopping done.

We headed home to unload the car, and then we were right back at it.

We stopped at Toys R Us to return some stuff that we accidentally bought the day before (thanks, Grace, for throwing whatever you want in the cart).

Then we headed to the mall to return a couple of items at Express and also bought a few new ones.

By 11:30, we had already accomplished all of our errands for the weekend.

Grace got a sandbox for her last birthday ten months ago, so we decided to spend the rest of the afternoon putting it together. We've been spending lots of time playing in the backyard after work, so it seemed like it was about time to break open the box.

We went to Lowe's to pick up some play sand and then went home to get started.

While we were working, Grace and Charley played in their kiddie pool (and looked adorable doing so).

(Grace found this tiara that Shelly gave her at Noah's birthday party and insisted that I put it in her hair, so "I can see better and be like a princess.")

Grace was quickly ready for a nap, and Charley wanted a snack. Daddy gave her an Apple Grace juice box and some goldfish that she dumped all over the grass while I put a movie on for Grace.

After her snack, Charley waited by the pool for Grace to come back out and play.

Once Grace woke up, the sandbox was ready to go. The girls had so much fun playing in it.

We had a great Sunday hanging out with each other, and it was nice to actually be at home for a change. I love my little family so much. What a blessing these two little chicks are <3

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