Last Week...

...Charley's little canines were still working their way up through her gums. I had left some Red Vines out on the counter over night, so they were a little harder than usual. Let me just say that this is the best.teether.ever. They taste great and Charley loved chewing on it. They are a little messy, though:
...Grace and I made a countdown to Disneyland. I cut out a Minnie Mouse head, and Grace helped make links for the amount of days we have left. We glued it all together, and she gets to rip one link off the bottom each morning. For some reason, she thinks they're tickets. If I forget one morning, she'll tell me "I forgot my ticket today!" Such a fun way to get her excited for the trip:
...we kept up with our healthy eating habits and made salmon, asparagus, and garlic potatoes one night. Usually, Grace doesn't eat much dinner. She'll take a few bites and be "all done". This meal went down without a fight. She absolutely loved the soy sauce and brown sugar salmon, which totally surprised me:
...Grace and Charley played in the back yard (sorry to all our family that's currently experiencing winter in the spring, but our weather has been beautiful!):
  roses bloomed and looked gorgeous. The pathway between the front and back yard smells ahhhmazing when you walk down it. Love spring time:
...the girls played with their new bath toys from the Sebastians. They especially loved the little penguin that spit bubbles all over the place:
...Grace went to big girl swim lessons and was so excited! We got to sit in the playroom to watch her, so Charley had a blast (and kept trying to escape):
...we went to Lucille's for dinner, and the girls colored together. Charley has been pretty obsessed with Grace's Toy Story Doodle Pro, and it's taught her how to hold a pen and use it. It's her go to toy when we're in the car, and now she knows how to use crayons instead of eat them:

...after dinner, Daddy took his girls to get some ice cream:

...Charley and I snuggled in the middle of the night:

...when I woke up early the next morning, I couldn't help but stare at her sweet little face as she slept:
...Wednesday was Administrative Professional's Day, so I got my girls some Starbucks to thank them for working so hard. A little later in the day, the big boss had flowers delivered to each of us, and mine were beautiful:

...I received a 40% off coupon in the mail for our tickets to Disney on Ice that weekend, but we had to go to the box office to pick them up. When we got out of the car, Grace said, "Hey! There's Uncle Zac and Pres-a-ley." It wasn't really them, but she's pretty smart, because it definitely could have been:

...we went to Chapala's for dinner to get our Mexican fix, and Charley loved her some chips:
...we played in the back yard some more and played peek-a-boo, took rides in the girls' car, and helped Daddy water the trees:
...Charley wasn't feeling very well Wednesday night, so she cuddled with me, and Gracie helped take care of her: the middle of the night, Charley woke up throwing up, so I stayed home with the girls on Thursday. It was kind of a weird one, because she was totally normal, playing with Grace, then she'd stop and throw up, and go back to playing again. She wasn't super sick, so I think it was something she ate that upset her tummy. Whenever I'd feed her, she couldn't hold it down, but there weren't really any other symptoms, and the rest of us never got sick (thank goodness!). We spent the morning on the back patio with our Starbucks, some Cheerios, and bananas:

...Grace read Charley stories:

...she napped in her swing, which is rare. We don't use it very often anymore:

...Grace and I cooked dinner for Daddy while he was at work:

...while I was finishing up dinner, I caught Grace drawing Daddy a picture on our pantry door with Sharpies...thank God for Magic Erasers:
...meanwhile, Charley took a two hour afternoon nap:
...Grace pretended to get Charley with the light saber. Charley thought it was hilarious and kept squealing with excitement:
...I finally replaced the batteries in Grace's Minnie Mouse Boombox Purse, and she serenaded Charley and I with Minnie's Bowtique and Friendship Team:
...Charley does this thing where she sees something like Mommy or her blanky and just throws her whole body down to snuggle. It's adorable:
(Notice the disaster behind her...she also does this thing where she constantly throws all of the blankies and movies off their shelves and scatters them around the bedroom floor!)
...Grace started a new thing where she says gets the biggest, saddest pouty lip and asks, "you don't like me?" whenever I raise my voice. It seriously breaks my heart. Since I had to spend a lot of time with Charley while she was sick, we had a Mommy/Gracie date and waited in this crazy line to get snowcones. She's getting really good at giving me the guilt trip:
...Charley was feeling much better Friday afternoon, so we played outside and broke out some more summer toys. Grace had a blast. Charley wasn't sure if she liked getting sprayed with water:
(Love Char's little bubble butt!)
...we watched the NFL Draft, and I am SOO excited to see what the Titans do this year. I can't even wait for training camp to start in a couple of months:
...Charley learned how to turn the lights on and off and did so over and over and over again:
...Grace helped me clean the room and decided that since all of the puppies are hers, Charley can have the other animals:

...she FaceTimed Kasie and Jeremy since they were in Wisconsin, and she was missing them, and also wore her puppy purse around the house all night:
...Charley brought me Boo a million times to push the tummy and make her talk. She can't quite figure this one out just yet:
...the girls and I watched cartoons Saturday morning while Daddy worked out:
...we did arts and crafts with Charley's bath crayons in the tub while getting ready:

...we met Uncle Zac, Stef, Presley, and the Sebastians at Lake Mead for Junior Ranger Day.

...the girls wrestled, and then we all napped before heading to the Sebastians for fight night, carne asada tacos, and margaritas. So relaxing and so fun! We have the best neighbors everrrr:
 little movie star refused to take her glasses off during breakfast Sunday at The Coffee Cup, and Charley played with jellies while we waited for our food:

...we stopped by a favorite, O'Callahan Park, to slide and swing after breakfast:

(The best thing about this park is that it's old. The trees are huge, and it's very green. My dad lives across the street, so I used to hang out here all the time as a kid. I've climbed every tree here and have so many fun memories. We even did some family photos here last October. Love this park.)
...Poppa and Gran went to Disneyland last week and got the girls Minnie ears (that we'll be taking with us when we go) and an awesome bubble gun. We got them from him while at the park, so the girls went crazy with bubbles when we got home:
...we met Grandpa and Grandma Whiting and Auntie Gen at the Thomas and Mack on Sunday for Disney on Ice: Treasure Trove to celebrate Charley's birthday since they couldn't make it to her party. It was so much fun, and the girls loved it. Grace kept pointing out and shouting all the character's names. Charley just stared in amazement until she got bored after a while, so Grandpa and Grandma took her up top to hang out and look around. She was fascinated with Snow White:
(That white denim jacket killllsss me!)
...Charley was worn out from our insanely busy week. She napped until 7pm on Sunday and still went to bed at 8:30:

See ya next week :)

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