Happily Ever After Starts Here...

The final wedding of our months-long extravaganza finally arrived. Geni and Chad were getting hitched! We enjoyed spending time with everyone at their rehearsal and followed it up with a dinner at Ventano the night before the wedding. After dinner, the girls and I went back to the hotel with all of the aunties to stay the night and get ready the next day. We got the cutest matching robes and hangers from Geni, and took her dress out of the bag to fluff and air out before the big day.

Geni opened her gift from Chad that consisted of a heartfelt note and a gift card to enjoy an entire spa day when they get back from their honeymoon. That baby will be well deserved after all the hectic planning and preparing over the past few months.

The next morning, the girls woke up and checked out the view. Grace's first words were, "I think I need to throw up." Of course she would wake up with the stomach flu the day of the wedding. She slept all morning while Charley danced with Auntie, read us the phone book, and tried to take care of her sick sister.

We ordered room service for breakfast, and Charley loved being a big girl. She got Fruit Loops and showed us how she could drink out of a big girl cup.

When the hair and make-up team arrived, we got the champagne poppin' and started in on the mimosas. We all had fun goofing off and dancing around the room while getting ready. Geni wasn't nervous at all and was so calm the entire time.

Both girls napped the day away. Char even slept for four hours straight!

Chase came to hang out around lunch time, and was so excited to be with his mama. He really is the cutest little guy.

(Seriously love that one on the left...he cracks me up!)

When Charley woke up, we gave her a piece of a Twix bar. She ate all of the chocolate and caramel, and gave me back the cookie part perfectly clean. So silly!

Soon, it was time for us to get ready to go. We all put our dresses on, corseted up the back of Geni's dress (twice), and headed down to the limo to make our way to the venue.

When we got there, Geni's nerves finally hit her, and she started crying just before the ceremony. We were teasing her that she ended up crying at the bar on her wedding day.

We went outside to get a few more pictures of her and calm her nerves. She looked absolutely beautiful!

It was finally time for the ceremony, and despite a bit of wind, it was beautiful and magical. She and Chad said their own vows that made us all cry, and we took a few more pictures afterwards.

Then it was time for the reception. The bridal party was introduced, and they had their first dance and danced with their parents.

After dinner and speeches, it was time for the garter and bouquet tosses. They had us cracking up the whole time.

Lastly, they cut into their gorgeous cake, and Geni surprised Chad with a groom's cake of what else, but a Michigan helmet.

Once again, the babies tore up the dance floor.

We all had so much fun taking pictures in the infamous photo booth.

The babies all fell asleep, and the rest of us were left to dance the night away.


We had such a blast celebrating these two becoming one. They are so perfect for each other, and we already know that they make adorable babies. We can't wait to watch them share a million new memories together as they now have each other to grow with and love forever.

Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Randall!!

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