Last Week...

...I dropped the girls off at school, and Grace wanted me to take a picture of her with her new puppy, "Lady and the Tramp". Naturally, Charley then wanted a picture of herself, too.

...Grace had a dance party in the car on the way home that afternoon.

...the girls played in the back yard and raced cars down the slide.

...they blew bubbles like it was going out of style.

...Grace helped me make some marinade for the shrimp we were grilling for dinner.

...we watched Toy Story over and over and over.

...Charley learned that she was turning two.

...they played out back on their swings while Daddy grilled the shrimp and then ate all of them for dinner. I couldn't believe how much these girls ate that night. Apparently, they really like shrimp.

...Grace helped me make some green beans to go with our chicken on Tuesday.

...Charley snuggled with me all night. I don't think she was feeling very good.

...Charley turned two, and we celebrated her birthday with a big family dinner at Lucille's.

...the girls must have been really tired, because they napped after school the next day.

...Char got a jewelry box from her Great Aunt Susie, and she was just fascinated by it.

...Grace worked on writing her name. She's getting pretty good at it.

...we had chicken fajitas for dinner and took the leftovers to work for lunch. Isaac and I made dinner at home and brought our lunch to work every day this week. Go us!

...the ice cream man just happened to be driving down our street when we got home on Friday. I'm not one to resist sweets, so we all got a treat. pumpkin seed sprouted, and everyone else was jealous.

...the Unertls came over for dinner, and I got to snuggle this little guy.

...the girls brushed their teeth together Saturday morning.

...we had to stop by the mall, and Grace insisted on wearing her Minnie dress from Auntie Elisha.

...we headed to Mission Hills Park for some frisbee and splash pad fun. The girls had a blast, but it got a little windy. I taught them how to lay in the sun to warm up, and then they were right back at it.

(Daddy had a hard time fitting down the slide with Charley.)

(This girl is getting so big!)

...they tried on their dresses for Chad and Geni's wedding. Charley loved feeling like a princess, while Grace cried, because it was "too scratchy".

...Daddy stayed home with the girls, while I went out to celebrate Geni's bachelorette party that night.

...when I got home Sunday morning, I spent time snuggling with Charley and napping the day away.

...we all went to bed early that night after another busy, busy week.

See you next time!!

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