This is How We Do It

Guess what I was up to last weekend? Yup! Anotherrrr bachelorette party! This one was for my sister, Geni. We got a room at the New York New York, so my sister, Allison, and I headed over there a couple of hours early to check-in, decorate, and get ready. We picked up some fun bachelorette decor, grabbed lunch at Memphis Barbecue, and headed to the hotel.

When we got there, we ate quickly (without any utensils) and got the room ready for Geni to arrive.

As people started arriving, we made them drinks, played a fun little party game to get the night started, and snapped a few pictures.

Soon, it was time to head across the street to the MGM for dinner. Of course, we had to take some elevator selfies on the way.

We ate at Rain Forest Cafe, and the drinks were delicious.

After dinner, we made our way back to the New York New York just in time to grab our seats for the Zumanity show to start. It was so much fun, and we all had a blast laughing our tushes off.

After the show, we headed back to the room for a quick moment to freshen up. The girls made sure to hit up the beer bong before we finally made it to Coyote Ugly where my wonderful friend, Jen, got us all set up with some tables in the back. We started off with a round of shots and the night went crazy from there. We ended up dancing on the bar a lot. We had so much fun doing the Wobble, singing our hearts out to Sweet Home Alabama, and getting down to This is How We Do It. It's been a long time since I had a night out where I got to dance like that, and we all had so much fun.

We finished up the night with a walk outside to enjoy the view of the strip before heading back up to the room to pass out.

It was such a great girls' night, and I think it's safe to say that everyone had an amazingly good time!

One more week until the wedding!!

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