
It doesn't seem real that my baby can already be two.years.old.

I feel like it was just yesterday that we all got to meet her for the first time, changing our world forever. No longer were we just the parents of our crazy Gracie girl, and no longer was she an only child. We got to welcome a new little girl into the world, and watch as she and Gracie became the best of friends. Somehow, we were able to quadruple the amount of love in hearts to include this little angel and to love Gracie even more than before by watching her in her new role as the big sister.

Charley has always been super sweet. She loves to snuggle and give hugs. She's also very spunky and likes to march to the beat of her own drum.

At two years old, Charley stands at 34 inches and weighs 25.5 pounds. She's still tiny, which I absolutely love. She is wearing 2T sizes, but the bottoms are always falling off. She's got a tush. but her waist is just so tiny. She's also in size 6 shoes still. I can see her being a very petite girl her whole life. She's had almost all of her teeth since she was about one. Her two year old molars broke through a few months ago, and she didn't make a peep.

Charley loves to eat. She'll finish three bowls of macaroni and cheese in one sitting, and almost always eats more than her big sis. She also loves PB & strawberry jelly sandwiches, crackers, blueberries, cheese, barbecue chicken, and her favorite food of all is biscuits/rolls with honey or apple butter from Memphis or Lucille's. Girl could survive off of those things, even though she mainly just eats the butter.

Char is super smart. She can say pretty much everything and anything, although sometimes I'm the only one that can understand her. She got rid of her binky at 18 months, and is almost completely potty trained. She loves to do everything herself, and always shouts, "I dood it!" if you try to help her.

Charley loves to sing, and her most favorite song is "You've Got a Friend in Me" from Toy Story. She listens to it all the time and sings along. She is quite obsessed with the Toy Story movies right now, and watches them constantly while wearing her Woody or Buzz Lightyear pajamas. She's also in love with her Olaf pillow and insists on having it with her whenever she's tired. She always has to have a blanky, but she's got about eight that she switches back and forth and doesn't care to have a certain one, as long as there is one that she can put over her face.

She loves her "hypad" and always waves at the "hairplanes" when she spots them flying in the sky. She always has a necklace or fifteen bracelets on. She loves to make us dinner with Gracie in their kitchen, and cuts up the fruits and veggies every single time I clean them up. She enjoys playing outside - especially with the Sebastian boys. And she could spend hours at the park without getting tired or wearing down. She loves to run, climb, slide, and swing.

She brightens up every day with her big brown eyes that can melt you to pieces in an instant. I think it's safe to say that our family is so much better with her in it. We couldn't possibly love this little bug any more and are having so much fun watching her learn, grow, and love.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Char Char!!

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