Last Week...

...Gracie was still not feeling very well on Monday, so I picked her up from school at lunch time. She came to work with me and fell right to sleep. Papa Rick came in and woke her up, so she spent the rest of the afternoon coloring at my desk while watching Ghostbusters on her iPad.

...we went to pick up Char after work, and the girls got Slurpees and Doritos on the way home. Char dumped some on the ground, so Grace got the big broom out and swept them up "so Daddy didn't beat her tushy".

...the Sebastians boys came over to swing in the backyard.

...while back there, I couldn't help but notice that my roses started to bloom and looked so gorgeous. I picked a few to put on the kitchen counter.

...that night, Grace's fever spiked, so we had her sleep with a cold compress on her head to help break it. She didn't really ever have any other symptoms except a little bit of a runny nose. I couldn't describe it as a cold or the flu. She just didn't feel very good.

...Charley shook her stuff while watching Madagascar.

...Grace slept with all of her puppies. They are easily her most prized possessions.

...the next morning, I knew she was feeling better when she kept asking me to take pictures while I was dropping her off at school. Although she was feeling better, I had my turn being congested and achy on Tuesday and Wednesday. It wasn't a full blown cold, but I just wanted to sleep and lay around. It knocked me on my butt for sure.

...I got my nails done all festive for Easter on Wednesday.

...while I was at the nail salon, Isaac picked the girls up, and they got Slurpees again.

...we met the family at The Sugar Factory to celebrate Geni's 25th birthday.

(Happy Birthday, Geni!) soon as Grace was feeling better, this happened.

...even with a high fever and runny nose, this princess wanted to play.

...she snuggled extra close to Mommy that night since she wasn't feeling well.

...we got a random three minute rain shower right in the middle of a sunny day. Isaac and I heard it on the patio cover and looked at each other like, "what on Earth?" We looked outside and sure enough, it was raining.

...Charley and I snuggled in bed Saturday morning.

...we went to the District to see the Easter Bunny and have lunch at Lucille's. The girls hated the Easter Bunny this year. Grace said, "I only like white Easter bunnies" and Char just clung to me. I don't know what it is that makes him so creepy. They have the cutest little white one that comes to their school every year, so we're looking forward to seeing him next week!

...after lunch, the girls played in their kitchen and made a mess with all of their hair accessories and jewelry while being typical girls.

...the girls kept telling us about this big show they were going to have. I got this suuuuper long video of the introduction, but there never was a show. They're so silly!

...Sunday morning we met the Sebastians at the Coffee Cup for breakfast. We got a glimpse into their teenage years when they dared each other to take shots of coffee creamer.

...after breakfast, we headed to Veteran's Memorial Park to feed the fish and ducks. The kids had a blast running around and throwing bread and popcorn everywhere.

 up was Easter Egg dying at the Sebastians' house where the kids had even more fun.

...needless to say, we were all exhausted after our busy morning and napped the afternoon away.

...we got Memphis Barbecue to go on Sunday for dinner, and boy had I missed it. We've been going to Lucille's lately, because it's closer (and we were kind of Memphis'd out). It was so delicious!

...that night, Char's fever spiked, and she went to bed super early.

Here's hoping we'll all feel better next week!

See you then <3

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