Last Week...

...Char was sleeping so peacefully Monday morning that I didn't want to wake her up.

...she made me a pretty picture at school with chalk.

...she continued her obsession with the easel and colored (and watched Toy Story) while waiting for Daddy to get home from work.

Hooray for panties! got cold and windy again, but we played outside anyways. Isaac played catch with the neighbor boys, while JJ flew the kite and Char strutted her stuff.

...the girls danced around the living room. There is an iTunes Radio station called 'Frozen Radio' that the girls are crazy about. They play random Disney songs, and we listen to it all.the.time.

(After watching this a few times, I realized that Char was trying to sing "friend in" as in "You've Got a Friend In Me".)

...Grace put Charley to bed by tickling her face.

...the girls got cake pops. Yep, for breakfast.

...we got to school a few minutes early, so we enjoyed the gorgeous sunrise. sister, Allison, finally moved back home for good, so we all met up for dinner at Metro Pizza to welcome her back. While we were there, I got a chance to smother this kid's outrageous cheeks in kisses. kids refused to sleep with blankets even though it was crazy cold this week. They hate clothes, too. Weirdos. of Grace's classmates had a birthday, so she brought some treats home and shared with Charley.

...we have this awesome family date night ritual with the best neighbors ever where we go to Grimaldi's for pizza and then hit up Krispy Kreme for their "hot and ready" glazed doughnuts. It never disappoints and always ends in an early bed time for all.

...Grace randomly started feeling sick and got a pretty high fever. Little did we know, this was the start to a two week affair with a cold that traveled around our home (more on that later).

...Charley passed out on my belly (her fav spot to fall asleep) as soon as we got home.

...we had pictures with my mom's family since all of us girls were in the same location for once, so we met up at Lake Las Vegas. We had a couple of beers, took a couple of pictures, and ended the night with dinner at Sonrisa Grill. (I can't wait to see the pictures that Amanda and Maryann took!)

...after wearing panties every evening this week with minimal accidents, Char napped in her panties and didn't pee. Yay!!

...we spent Saturday over at my mom's house in honor of Geni's bridal shower and had so much fun. The girls loved playing with their long lost toys, coloring, and entertaining baby Chase. Or just pulling his socks off. Whatever. Charley also wore panties the entire time we were there. It was her first "outing" in them, and she did great. Although, we were only at Grammy's house.

...that night, Gracie was literally giggling in her sleep.

(That sweet dimple. It's my favorite spot to give her kisses!)

...since Isaac had Chad's bachelor party on Saturday night, Sunday was a day spent recovering and napping for us all. Especially since Gracie wasn't feeling very well again. On the plus side, Char napped in panties with no accidents again!

It's about to get even busier around here this next month or so! Bear with me while I try to keep up.

See you next time :)

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