Cocktails and Tapas

In a few short weeks, my baby sister Geni will be saying "I  Do!" To kick off the bridal festivities, we had a bridal shower for her at my mom's house this past weekend. We went with the wedding theme colors of yellow and gray and decided to have a "cocktails and tapas" evening shower to make it more Geni's style.

I had fun coming up with yellow cocktails and picking some yummy appetizers to order from some of our favorite places: P.F. Changs, Lucille's, and Buffalo Wild Wings. Mom decided to make some delicious snacks to fill out the spread. She even got the cutest chafing dishes and desserts!

Since it was an evening shindig, my sisters and I spent the day over at my mom's house setting everything up. It turned out so cute, and the colors looked perfect together!

Auntie Allison painted Char's fingernails to match hers while we waited for all of the guests to arrive.

Once they all got there, we got to enjoy all of the yummy food and drinks.

Char was crazy about the "ohn-jess" or oranges.

While we were eating, we played "How Well Do You Know the Bride?" That was really fun, because Geni didn't even know some of the answers about herself.

Next up was the traditional "toilet paper wedding dress" game. The girls all had fun trying to be as creative as possible.

After about ten minutes, the bride-to-be got to pick her favorite toilet paper wedding dress.

And the winner was...Andrea's team. Geni loved the long, flowy train that reminded her of her own dress.

We also played "How Well Does the Bride Know the Groom?" Chad, being the character that he is, made his video answering the questions extra silly. We made Geni stuff a large marshmallow in her mouth each time she got one wrong. She ended up having to spit them out to continue on. Here were some of the best ones.

Geni receiving another marshmallow.

After that entertaining game, Geni opened all of her gifts. She got some great stuff, and I worked on her rehearsal bouquet in the meantime.

(Geni's embarrassed faces. In her defense, Chad's mom was sitting right in front of her.)

We had so much fun at Gen's shower. I'm so excited to see my beautiful sister walk down the aisle in just a few weeks. She's going to make such a gorgeous bride, and we all couldn't be happier for Chad and her to become one. Love you, Geni!!

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