Last Week...

...the girls played "ring around the rosie" and destroyed the living room after school.

...they have recently gotten really interested in Barbies, and play them all the time. I love this, because my sister and I used to play Barbies a lot when we were little. of the girls' favorite things to do is take their shirts off and "hug with our bellies". It almost always ends in a wrestling match.

...we went to Lowe's to get a planter, soil, and some pumpkin seeds to donate to Charley's class. While we were there, we decided to get an orange tree, some new strawberries, and pumpkin seeds for our house, as well. The girls loved picking the stuff out, and when we walked by the fruit trees, Grace said, "Dad, take a picture of us right here."

...after our Lowe's trip, we stopped at Ta Ta Asian Bistro for some sushi, and Charley ate two bowls of wonton soup.

...the next day, the girls helped Daddy plant all of their new plants. They had so much fun playing in the water and getting dirty. 

...Gracie got a Ninja Turtle flower pot for Easter, and Charley got a monkey grass head. Grace planted them both by herself and made sure to water them, too.

...Daddy got the planters all ready, and we each planted one pumpkin seed. We labeled them, so we know who will get which pumpkins when they're all ripe and ready.

...the girls also helped me spruce up the strawberry planter with a few new ones. Gracie left the hose on, so Charley took advantage and splashed around all over the place. Then, they played on their swing set while we got dinner ready. Evenings are the best during this time of year. We love spending time outside enjoying the gorgeous weather.

...all of that hard work really tired Char out, and she went right to bed after her bath.

...the girls were so excited when I dropped them off at school Thursday, because they knew we were going to Matt and Frannie's rehearsal dinner that afternoon.

...I took all of their Easter candy to the office. They got wayyy too much, and I didn't want to eat it every time I went in the kitchen. I have absolutely no willpower when it comes to chocolate.

...Grace was ready to party on our way to Wedgewood for the Gerfy rehearsal.

...we met Matt and Frannie at the wedding venue and went to celebrate after we ran through everything a couple of times at Lindo Michoacan, where we had a blast sipping margaritas and Pacificos.

...after dinner, Grace and I went to Vdara with Frannie to stay the night before the big day. Char got to go with Isaac and Matt. Gracie was so good and had so much fun letting Carole and Amanda roll her up like a burrito. She got to take a bath in the ginormous bathtub, and we all got teary-eyed taking Fran's dress out of the bag to fluff it up and let it air out that night.

...Friday came, and we had the best time ever watching Matt and Frannie tie the knot. Congrats again, Mr. and Mrs. Gerfy!

...Saturday, Charley watched Toy Story and cheered when Woody came on. He's her favorite.

...the girls played outside in their Cadi, and Gracie rode around on her scooter while Charley carried the littlest purse ever.

...they played with their new playdoh cupcake maker that the Easter Bunny brought them at Grandma Sunshine's and made the cutest cupcakes.

...Char snuggled with me all night while we watched, what else, Toy Story, on her iPad. Although we had so much fun at the wedding, it felt so good just to lay on my couch with my family and relax.

...the next morning, we had breakfast at Rachel's Kitchen at the District. The girls loved watching the live musician, dancing all over the place, and feeding this ugly crow.

...we went grocery shopping at Whole Foods to try and start cooking at home more and eating a bit healthier. Our lives have been so crazy lately, that we barely have time to eat, let alone cook a decent meal. Their produce guy let the girls each have a banana while we shopped.

...Charley took a nap and looked so sweet. I wish I could just keep her in my pocket all day long to take out and smother with kisses whenever I feel the need.

...when Char woke up, the girls read books, shared apples, and played doctor with their animals and Princess Anna.

...they took turns coming over to snuggle and take selfies with mom (while I watched Game of Thrones on my iPad).

...they also played bowling and catch while Daddy took a nap.

...when he woke up, Daddy helped them water their new plants, and Gracie pushed Charley on the swing.

(Love that little tush!!)

...Papa Rick and Grammy picked Gracie up for a sleepover, so Charley and I spent the rest of the evening cuddling and snuggling. I love this baby girl so stinking much!

See you next week with another packed calendar!

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