Last Week...

I forgot to add the videos from the prior week, so here they are...

...Charley and I had a tickle/giggle fest where she let out some of the best belly laughs.

...she came home from school making new animal sounds - a cat followed by a dinosaur?!

...we had sushi with Auntie Allison, and Charley insisted on eating the lemon out of my water.

And now back to your regularly scheduled weekly update :)

...Noah came over to play, and the kids watched Rio 2 and played with Toodles. maternal grandfather, Grandpa Jesse, passed away. It was a long time coming, and he was very sick for years, but that didn't make losing him any easier on us all. Since he had been sick for so long, I think we all just sort of assumed that he'd live forever. We miss you already, Grandpa Jess and know that you are in a better place where you can finally be healthy and enjoy yourself again. We all love you so much!

...that evening, the monsoons started rolling in, and God gave us a beautiful rainbow to let us know that Grandpa was OK now. I couldn't help but cry when I saw it.

...we went to my sister Allison's to see her new place, and there was another rainbow when we were leaving followed by the most beautiful sunset.

...Tuesday after work, I got my nails done at Posare (by the best nail girl in the biz, Tiffani).

...on my way home, Shelly sent me this video of it raining like crazy at our house.

...I grabbed the girls from school, and we headed home to play outside in the rain. We had so much fun driving the girls' car around and taking "rainy day selfies".

...I got even better belly laughs out of Charley with another tickle sesh.

...I got to nibble on these adorable baby toes before bed (while watching Tangled, of course).

...Isaac participated in a dedication ceremony in one of the D.R. Horton developments we are currently working on for a young girl that was murdered in the area a couple of years ago. Sunstate donated/landscaped a special area with a bench and a hand-picked boulder with a plaque to commemorate her forever. It was pretty emotional for him, and he put a lot of time and effort into the whole ordeal, so he was really proud of it and got to be the one to dedicate it to the family (and was even on the news).

...we went to Memphis BBQ with the family, where Char chowed down on rolls and honey butter...and learned how to lick her lips!

...we had another fabulous monsoon sunset.

...Char snuggled with Toodles and didn't like when I tried to take a picture of her with the flash on.

...Grace asked me to "take a picture and send it to my school" before we left the house Thursday morning.

...Papa Rick gave her money at dinner the night before, and she insisted on carrying it around and even took it to school with her.

...she made me a sweet Cheerio necklace and begged me to wear it, so I did...for the entire day, which just delighted her to no end.

...Grandma Sunshine picked the girls up early from school and took them to lunch and Run Plus Fun. They both passed out in the car on the way home, and Gracie got a much needed trim on her long curly hair.

...Friday, we celebrated my cousin Kelli Jo at Poppa and Grandma's house. The kids had a blast playing together in Poppa's awesome backyard, and he made his homemade peppermint ice cream that is absolutely to die for.

...Grace sang her ABC's with Elmo while we drove up to Utah for Grandpa Jesse's funeral on Saturday.

...since (almost) all of us cousins were together in one place, we took a picture in front of the Pintura pond where we have so many amazing, special memories playing together. We spent the day catching up with family and remembering the good ol' days with Grandpa and his garden.

...before we left, I had to get a new four generation picture with Grandma Beth.

...we got home in the afternoon, and the kids needed to run around after being cooped up in the car all day. What better way to do that than to have a water balloon fight with the neighbors?!

...after the water fight, the kids played for hours while us adults sipped on Whiskey waters and Pina Coladas, admired another stunning sunset, and helped the kiddos with confetti poppers.

Double Fistin' with milk and juice!

...Char was pooped from the day before and slept in on Sunday.

...she and Grace watched TV in their bed, while I watched them on our video monitor downstairs.

...we had some leftover banana pudding for breakfast.

...the girls played dress up and tried to convince Toodles to come out from under the dresser to play with them.

...we goofed off while waiting for the Directv guy to come redo all of our TVs with the new receivers.

...while he was in the closet working with the cables, Char and Grace booby trapped the hallway. Those crazy kids! Toodles was not amused.

...while Grace and Daddy napped, Char and I filled up some more water balloons out front, and Char practiced her singing skills some more.

...Daddy came outside, and she had a water balloon fight with him. They had so much fun, and of course, I snapped away catching it all on camera.

(I just love that goofy grin!!)

...Char dried off while Daddy ran to the store to buy some more water balloons and squirt guns with Grace. just can't get much better than a Vegas summer sunset in July and August. They're just unreal, and we're spoiled with one almost every evening.

...when Daddy got home, we had the biggest water fight ever with about twenty neighbors, lots of water balloons, squirt guns, and even garden hoses from four different houses. Everyone had a blast and ended up soaking wet by the end of the night. It's safe to say the girls won this one, but I'm sure it won't be the last water fight this summer.

What a fun way to end the week!

See you next time :)

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