Ruffly Burlap Lamp {Tutorial}

After looking for a lamp for the girls' bedroom for weeks, I finally found one I liked that was no longer available...go figure.

After doing some research online, I decided that I'd brave it, and try my hand at making my own ruffle lamp out of burlap. It turned out absolutely perfect for their beach/mermaid themed room, so I thought I'd share a little tutorial on just how easy it was to make.

Things you will need:

Burlap - about 2 yards
Hot Glue Gun with about 10-15 sticks of glue
White lamp shade - I used one that was 7" on top,  10" on bottom, and 8" in height (and on clearance at Target for $4.98. Score!)
Lamp Base - I chose a clear, round base that would fit with the size of the shade (which also meant I needed a bottom to close the base - I used a clear, glass candle holder)
Misc Items to fill base (if needed) - sea glass and seashells for a beach themed room


To start, I covered the lamp shade with a layer of the burlap. I just used a hot glue gun to attach the bottom, pulling the material tight as I went along and making sure to leave enough fabric to also glue it to the top of the shade.

Next, I started to cut the burlap into strips about thirty string lengths wide. I cut each 30th string and removed it from the fabric to get my lines straighter.

After cutting the burlap into strips, I cut each strip into thirds which made them about one-and-a-half times the height of the shade. This length and width can be altered depending on how ruffly you want yours.

Once I had all of my strips cut, I ironed each of them in half to create a fold.

Once they were ironed, I put glue along the fold and continued down a few inches. After attaching it to the shade starting at the top and forming a wavy line going down, I added more glue along the rest of the fold and continued until the entire strip was one wavy vertical line.

This strip has been glued on the top, and the straight piece is what still needs to be attached.

I completed these steps with all of the strips until the lamp looked the way I wanted it to. You'll want to make them curve in different areas so the lamp isn't so uniform looking.

Finally, I filled the lamp base with a mixture of the sea glass and seashells and glued the candle plate to the bottom of the base to close the opening.

It was so simple and only took a couple of hours. I'm definitely not the craftiest person out there, so I was pretty proud of myself for this one.

Now the girls have an adorable lamp to match perfectly in their new bedroom!

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