Red, White, and Blue

As soon as we found out the Fourth of July fell on a Friday, we booked a cabana at the Westin at Lake Las Vegas for the day. We rarely get time off work for this holiday, but this year we got the whole day off!

We made sure to bring lots of snacks and wear our red, white, and blue to the pool. The girls had fun being goofy and snacking on Red Vines while we waited for our besties, the Sebastians, to arrive.

Soon, we were all ready to hit the pool, and the kiddos couldn't wait to spend the day going down the massive water slide.

We didn't take too many pictures, because we were just having way too much fun (and we were in water, so there's that). After a couple of hours of swimming, sliding, and splashing, we took a break for some snacks. Notice the green turtle floaty? Charley napped in the pool while floating in that for almost two hours!

The Unertls joined us around this time, and baby Jakson couldn't have looked any more adorable lounging in the sun.

Elisha stopped by to say "hello" and give the girls hugs and kisses, and we also got to see Elijah, since he's now working there, too.

(Thanks again, Elish! Love you!!)

Our next snack break included tequila shots. Probably not the best idea when you're baking out in the sun all day long, but whatev.

After a long, hot, super fun day at the pool, we headed home, showered up, and got the firework festivities started.

The girls had a blast jumping on the "Pop Its" and making them explode. Our neighbors had some big fireworks that lit up the sky, and the kids were in awe each time they went up.

Shelly got lots of sparklers and they all waited not so patiently for their turn.

(I can't get over how big these two are getting!!)

When the sparklers were done, it was time for the smoke bombs. The kids were so funny waiting for theirs to be lit and then tossing them across the street. I think they had the most fun running through the blue and green smoke.

Even the sunset was red, white, and blue!

Gracie was not a fan of the Piccolo Pete's. They were too loud for her liking.

Char shared her churro with JJ, and he gladly took a break to devour it. Cute little guy!

The girls were beat from such a long day, so they cuddled up on the couch to watch The Lego Movie with Toodles when they were over the fireworks. We had plans to walk to the top of the hill near our house to watch the fireworks at Mission Hills Park, but since we had tons of lightning, we decided we'd better not.

We had such a great time with some of our favorite people! The Fourth of July is always a blast, and this year was no different. I'm so thankful to have my sweet family and the best neighbors in the world. It makes every day a fun time around here.

Happy Birthday, America!!

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