Last Week...

...we played outside in the back yard where Charley showed off her baby mama skills by taking her baby to play in the sandbox, and we chased a butterfly around.

...Charley read Mickey Mouse books to this video!

...we got some rain at night and woke up to the clouds resting on the mountain, which the girls thought was the coolest thing ever.

...Grace fell asleep on the way home from school.

...Charley found some goldfish on her dresser and stuffed them all into her mouth when she got out of the bath.

...I shared a pillow with Charley and Toodles.

...we had the girls' two and four-year-old wellness check-ups (I know, a little late) where they were both far surpassing their yearly milestones and impressing the doctor with their levels of speech. It was nice to see Dr. Vu, and he made the girls giggle the whole time...until they had to get their shots. He said Grace was good to go for Kindergarten and won't have to get any next year. Phew! Gracie is 41.8 lbs and stands 40.5" tall (officially able to ride most of the rides in Disneyland when we go back in November. Whoo hoo!) - 75th percentile for weight and 60th percentile for height. Char is 28.4 lbs and stands 34.5" tall - still in the 50th percentile for height and weight like she has been since she was born. They both did pretty well, but Grace had to get her blood pressure taken for the first time, which kind of freaked her out.

...for being so good, they girls got to have Tropical Smoothie for dinner.

...Daddy and Matt played basketball at the park, so the girls and I went with and played on the playgrounds and the splash pad. They had a blast, obviously.

(Grace is the queen of posing!)

...I get a paper like this when I pick Charley up from school everyday, because she's in the two-year-old room where no other kids are potty trained, and the parents are still interested in their potty/eating habits. Her teacher has just been the best, and Charley loves her so much. Miss Tara sent home a sweet little note on Char's paper Thursday telling me that she is "by far my favorite". She's so awesome!!

...the girls kept up their nightly snuggling habit, which just makes me love them 8292395427 times more.

...we spent the weekend at the cabin again and had a great time.

...Char snacked on some blueberries with her lunch and gave me these faces when I told her to say "cheese".

...Toodles really missed us while we were gone and gave us all kisses when we got home.

...Grace and Char played in their playroom while I napped. Gracie woke me up to ask me to babysit FOUR of her babies while she went to work. Of course, I said "yes", so she laid them on the floor, covered them up with a blanket, and came back a few minutes later to pick them up. I just love her.

...Grace also made us dinner Sunday night.

See you next week <3

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