Last Week...

...Gracie started her very first day of Pre-K and was obviously SO excited to move up to the "red room" at school with all of her friends! She starts accelerated Pre-K next week, too, which I am more excited about.

...Charley learned how to open the camera on my phone, so I find these gems like me teaching Gracie how to use my laptop to do lessons on

...the girls have become obsessed with sunsets and love when the sky turns pink and purple (since those are Gracie's new favorite colors)

...momma had a migraine (I've been getting a lot of these lately!), so the girls gave me a foot rub to "take care of me". I'm not going to lie. I fell asleep, and I have no idea when the girls ended up going to bed, but they were there sleeping like little angels when I woke up the next morning. It's times like these that make me extra thankful to have such good girls <3

...the next night, Charley told me bedtime stories. The minion shirt fits her perfectly. My crazy girl!

...we spent two whole days trying to get these sand footprints just right for the girls room, and I'm not too happy with how they turned out. We'll be starting over and trying again next week. I think I needed more sand.

...I scheduled a surprise photo shoot at Foothill for Isaac and my five year anniversary that's coming up soon. Kind of like a "where it all started" sort of theme, which is totally perfect since it's the same weekend as our ten year high school reunion. I tried on my cheer uniform to see if we could use it for the shoot and was shocked that I was able to get that sucker on and zipped up (it's pretty stretchy!). Go Falcons!!

...the girls and I played outside where Charley made faces at me, and Grace continued her reign as the 'Queen of Posing for Every Single Picture Ever'. know fall is coming when we're out the door before the sun is up! Yes, that's a sunRISE, and yes, we were on our way to school when I took this. Thankfully, we've all become early birds over the years.

...Char made me the most adorable crab hand prints and ran to me so excitedly to show me when I picked her up from school.

...the girls started playing in the laundry basket, because they don't have enough toys to keep them occupied (can you feel the sarcasm?).

...Friday, we took off work at noon and headed up the mountain to our family cabin for the long three day weekend. On the way, we passed by a ton of sheep that were being herd (herded?) through the meadow, and it was so awesome!

...the girls hung out on the porch while Mom cooked dinner (and I did some online shopping, as per usual. It's a real problem! I've currently got eighteen orders awaiting shipment. Help!).

(Sookie photobomb!)

...after dinner, we went on a deer run and saw lots of deer. We even saw some elk down in a meadow and tried to take a closer look, but they got scared off before we got close enough. We also saw the prettiest canyon as the sun set and turned it orange and pink. So beautiful!

...Saturday morning, Grace modeled in her "More Issues than Vogue" shirt.

...we headed down to Hurricane for the Peach Days festival, and Char loved snacking on Cracker Jack's while we drove.

...we also saw the sheep again and got to watch the dogs help the herders move them deeper into the meadow. It was pretty cool to watch. Peach Days, the girls had a blast riding down the slide with Grammy and riding the Staheli Farm train with Daddy.

...back at the cabin, Grace and Charley played with their new chipmunk friends appropriately named Chip and Dale.

...Allison and I took an electric bike ride around the mountain. 

...we spent the evening relaxing and hitting up the hot tub in the gorgeous scenery.

...somehow, Sunday was even more beautiful than the day before. I drank my coffee on the porch while the girls ate their cereal and watched birds eat out of the feeder.

...we went inside to get ready and took selfies while we waited on Daddy to finish up.

...we hung out on the porch before heading to Duck Creek for lunch at the pizza place. We got there a little before it opened, so the girls colored while we waited. Afterwards, we got ice cream next door.

...back at the cabin, we played outside and took the girls on a Razor ride. We had to stop to let some wild turkeys cross the street.

...the girls snacked on Pringles while we played corn hole and Auntie Allison had her first taste of red, red wine.

...some friends came over for dinner and the girls had fun throwing rocks into the pond.

...we had more fairies than ever before since the weather was so nice. We saw tons of them in all different colors.

...we went on another deer run and even got to see a baby nursing from his mama deer.

Such a great week! We had Monday off for Labor Day, so we got an extra day to spend at the cabin. Couldn't be more thankful for a treasure like this place to escape the hot summer days in Vegas every once in a while!

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