Last Week...

...Charley practiced her ABC's.

...we played at home after school where Char played with her puzzles and then wanted to play hide-and-go-seek. I told her to go hide, while I counted. She found the best spot and peeked up to see if I was coming to find her.

...the girls watched Tarzan in bed and loved it. Char absolutely loves monkies, so she calls it "da monkey newby". She has a favorite pink blanky with a monkey on the corner and always asks for her "ooh ahh ahh blanky" when she's ready to go to sleep. It's the cutest! new bag from Baby Mama Sew Shop (find it here on Etsy) came in, and I couldn't love it any more. Of course she released some new colors right after. I may need to get those, too.

(Anyone know of a good group for shopaholics?) 

...the girls played in the front yard and found a Captain America. They played hide-and-go-seek with him and tried to make him fly.

...Shelly came home with groceries, so, of course, Charley followed her inside and came back out with a juice box and some gold fish (thanks for being the best neighbor ever, Shelly!).

...we had a beautiful sunset view from the girls' bedroom window. snuggle bugs slept as close to each other as they could possibly get.

...the boys came over to play after school and wrestled and played vet with Toodles. These kids have the sweetest friendship, and the greatest part is they only live across the street from each other. I love watching them all play together.

...Daddy went to the park to play basketball again, so we followed and talked the Sebastians into meeting us there.

...Kasie sent me this video that she found on her phone of Isaac with Grace a few hours after she was born. I miss those new experiences with a new baby. It's even more special with the first born, because you have no idea what you're doing and every moment is a new experience. This makes me so sad.

...the girls made me stop in front of the "dinosaur house" for a closer look on the way home from Poppa's on Friday. Mr. Springer was my 6th grade English teacher. Now he just has a Jurassic Park in his front yard that is the envy of every kid that passes by.

...we went to Grimaldi's with the Unertls where we all got in some much needed quality time with cutie, baby Jakson.

...I got my hair done and went back to the dark side (and went a little shorter).

...Gracie watched TV while Char napped with Daddy.

...we went to see the new Ninja Turtles movie with the Sebastians. The kids loved it and were surprisingly well behaved through the whole thing.

...our crazy cat slept on his back in bed with the girls at night.

...Isaac and I played tennis for over two hours at the park with Clayton and Stephanie on Sunday. We had a blast until Isaac rolled his ankle, and we had to leave.

...while we were at the park, the girls went swimming with Grandma Espejo. Gracie is getting so good in the pool. I think next year she may be able to swim without the floaties.

...we made fettuccine carbonara for dinner. It's one of our favs and it had been forever since we made it. It didn't disappoint.

...Charley chewed on her gum while simultaneously napping in her car seat.

That's all for now. See you next week <3

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