Last Week...

...we played outside with the neighbors, and Daddy had fun playing baseball with the neighborhood boys.

...we had dinner at Wahoo's where Charley double fisted her dessert,

...the girls played in their playroom before bed, and Charley was so funny with this creepy baby doll that moves her face around and cries. She would say, "she probably wants a blanket" and needed sister's help when she couldn't get it to stop crying.

...Tuesday night we had dinner at Ventano (the best restaurant everrrr) and Arnauld let Gracie make her own sundae in the back.

...we got out the winter gear, and Charley wanted to wear her footed PJ's. She kept jumping on the bed saying, "I'm like a babyyy!".

...I braided Grace's hair after her bath and then swooned over it for the rest of the night. mom sent me this picture of Elvis, because she thought it looked like Charley. Turns out, girl's got Elvis lips.

...we went to dance class again, and the girls liked it even better the second time. Gracie got to be the line leader in her class, and she was so excited. You could see the pride just beaming out of her huge smile. They also got a few minutes to free style, which cracked us up.

...Thursday when we got home from school, Daddy announced that he was making breakfast for dinner, and it was delicious!

...we continued watching Sleeping Beauty before bed each night.

...Friday night, the girls had a sleepover at my mom's, so we went out with our friends. We had a blast, and I won $160 on the roulette table! made sure to text me pictures throughout the night, so I didn't miss the girls too much.

...Saturday morning they watched Bo on the Go on the iPad, while Isaac and I got ready for the day.

...we carved pumpkins at my mom's, while simultaneously watching The Nightmare Before Christmas and the Huskers game. I was surprised that Grace was so into it and even helped us gut the pumpkins. Of course, Charley napped the day away (for three hours!).

...they all turned out pretty awesome, but my Snow White witch is my favorite.

...when we finished our pumpkins, we changed our clothes and headed to the Linq. We all had fun exploring, eating pizza and desserts, and taking pictures.

(The greatest thing ever - ice cream sundae shake with a shot of espresso.)

...after we explored, we all took a ride on the High Roller. The girls were a little nervous at first, but we had fun and ended with a dance party, It was awesome since there weren't a lot of people, and we got our own cabin.

...the girls fell asleep in the car and didn't flinch when we carried them to bed.

...the next morning, I woke up and discovered that Char was missing. I found her playing in her playroom with no clothes on. Silly girl!

...Daddy joined her a little later where she fed him dinner and brushed his hair. She made sure to check on her baby and tried to get Toodles to eat her concoction. 

(Chef Char's serious "what do you want to eat?" face)

...we went to lunch with Grandma Kim, and then played at the park to let the girls run out some of their crazy energy.

...they both fell asleep at six o'clock that night (pros of missing their naps and staying out late the night before), so I finally talked Isaac into watching a TV series with me. He started The Walking Dead, so I am watching it over with him before starting the new season. It's just as good the second time around. We ended up just putting the girls in our bed for the night, so we could watch more episodes, and we all slept peacefully.

Another busy one! See you next week <3

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